Citori16's latest activity

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    There is a very big difference between a big game hunter and a poacher. There has always been trash that shoot game and fish and bird...
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    I’m not too worried about this rain. Had this happened when the majority of hens were still on Nests then yes but I think the bulk of...
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    Citori16 replied to the thread Dog siezures.
    Don’t know that labs only are susceptible to EIC- could be all breeds There is another neurological disease CNM I think is how it is...
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    Citori16 replied to the thread Dog siezures.
    There are a couple of neurological diseases in labs that are hereditary but can be tested for and avoided by not breeding affected dogs...
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    Citori16 replied to the thread surrogator.
    Why would you waste your money? Studies show they don’t work unless you shoot the birds as they are released Idaho F&G was pressured...