Recent content by boomerdawg13

  1. boomerdawg13

    weekend reports!!

    Went out again Saturday. Few hens, few roosters all hunting corners next to corn. Took a rooster and went home. My Golden Millie must have gotten tangled up in some barbed wire - found a nice 3 inch gash under her arm during EOD bath. $1300 at the emergency vet and she will probably be done for...
  2. boomerdawg13

    weekend reports!!

    Went out Saturday - most people I have seen out in the last 3 years. Must have pushed back the party hunts from the weather on opener. Started in Sedgwick hunted a few fields south of there and put up a few hens. Drove south from there to Holyoke for lunch at Happy Jacks, and continued driving...
  3. boomerdawg13

    Colorado Ballot Initiative 91

    Reading something today that there are 10,000,000 hunters/gun owners that are not registered to vote. We have to stop this ballot box wildlife biology - I don't care what side of the aisle your on do your civic duty.
  4. boomerdawg13

    Colorado Ballot Initiative 91

    Also vote No on 308 - save our local fly shops. Bunch of BS...
  5. boomerdawg13

    OT- homemade meals while on the road

    Even better - open the can and drain half the juice. Throw in a knob of butter, parsley, garlic, and cajun seasoning - cover with parm cheese and let it roast over the fire for 5 mins. Then throw that on a cracker! Always been a go to dinner. That and freezing a big pot of chili and using that...
  6. boomerdawg13

    Colorado Sage Grouse

    See yall out there this weekend!
  7. boomerdawg13

    Western Kansas Pheasants

    Hunt across the boarder in Burlington. Would be interested in joining up with you!
  8. boomerdawg13

    Hello from the Western Slope of Colorado

    Welcome from Denver!
  9. boomerdawg13

    2024 Spring Turkey Hunt

    any of the western hunters on here know how to distinguish a hybrid bird in the field? Last year I hunted and bagged a merriam on the western slope, got some access just east of Denver and I know there are both Merriam and Rio's. I would like to bag a rio this year - but are there any...
  10. boomerdawg13

    Pheasant Hunting

    Once April starts the dogs become full time whitewater/fishing guides. Raft came out for cleaning this weekend in preparation for our annual Rio Grande River turkey cast n blast.
  11. boomerdawg13

    Guzzlers map Comanche Nat. Grassland

    Thanks for the info guys. I will call the office and see what i can find. If i do get a map i will post it here on the thread.
  12. boomerdawg13

    Guzzlers map Comanche Nat. Grassland

    Sounds like I will have to start making my database. Headed further South this time around but main focus will be ducks on the Arkansas - out of Lamar. If i stumble on them it will be great - otherwise ill just focus on marking spots for next year.
  13. boomerdawg13

    Guzzlers map Comanche Nat. Grassland

    Headed down to the Grasslands to try one last go at scaled quail. I was shown a map of guzzler locations down there by a local at the bar and have not been able to located it online. Wondering if anyone here has some insight on where it can be found.
  14. boomerdawg13

    Ground swatting

    Thats how grandpa taught me to kill grouse in the north woods. Granted no dog, .410 single shot fixed full choke on the bicycle handlebars, aim for the very top of the head. Now - I Dont do that hunting with dogs.
  15. boomerdawg13

    Golden Retriever question

    More people should have them! Joel Millie has been great in the blind so far - had a few nice retrieves this morning.