Year in review


New member
I would have to say that this has been my best hunting season to date. It wasn't the bird numbers, but the time spent in the field. My first dog died 3 days before the hunting season and it put alot of things in perspective for me. I learned alot from him, more what not to do. But i wouldn't be the hunter i am today without him and the mistakes i made while learning how to hunt the greatest game bird in the world with a mutt with nothing but a nose and a desire to please me. My future dogs have and will benefit from the lessons i learned while hunting with him.

My bird numbers weren't huge this year (24) but i hunted 60+ days and the hunts for the most part were crisp and clean. I was more pateint, ready and trusting this year. I love dog work and pheasant hunting more than anything in the world and I'm starting to get pretty damn good at it! thank you skooby:cheers:
Good for You Peter. I to had a very good year, am anxious to do it all over again in 13.:thumbsup: