Welcome to South Dakota

Madison COunty

New member
I got to my hotel last night and settled in for the night. The drive was nice on the way up here, 50 degrees and then reaching 34 degrees.

When we woke up (me and the dog) it was about 25 degrees, 1/4" of ice covering the truck & parking lot and winds around 25-35mph. I let the dog run in a field to burn some energy off and we saw two pheasants flush a couple hundred yards away. Hopefully tomorrow is a bit calmer!:eek:

How is everyone else doing hunting?
South Dakota Report

Got back last night. WOW, did the weather change while I was out there. Sunday hunted in sweater and vest. Monday woke up to good old fashion blizzard. Went hunting anyhow. Turned out to be a great day, birds held tight and limits were had by all. The problem that I experienced was my dog caught three birds(all hens), that really sucks. She has a soft mouth, but I don't think the birds faired well after that experience. I would release them, but they didn't fly off, only run away. Not sure what could have been done different. Overall, great trip with tons of birds seen and nice collection of birds in the bag. Think I'm done hunting S.D for the year. Concentrate on MN. for the remainder of the season. Good luck to all that are out there this week.:):)
I plan on puttin the hurt on the roosters in the next few weeks. Glad you had a good time.
my first trip to SD

Came home to Iowa today (a day early). I saw ALOT of birds but could not get close to many, very few shooting opportunities. Birds were flushing wild at 200-300 yards ahead and when I did shoot at one 20 more would flush out from the cover ahead of us. Glad I went but hard to get close to them, we were quiet and stealthy... Don't know what we could have done differently? I was hunting solo and if I had another guy or two to post at the end it would have been a lot better. Good luck hunting everyone!