vote NO on measure #5

Measure 5 wants to put a stop on shock collars for dogs and wants to stop anybody from putting their dog or cat down if they are sick or dying ect;ect; its the humane society behind it all!
"Initiated Statutory Measure No. 5
This initiated statutory measure would create section 36-21.1-02.1 of the North Dakota Century Code. This measure would make it a class C felony for an individual to maliciously and intentionally harm a living dog, cat or horse and provide a court with certain sentencing options.
The measure would NOT apply to production agriculture, or to lawful activities of hunters and trappers, licensed veterinarians, scientific researchers, or to individuals engaged in lawful defense of life or property."

The above note on Measure #5 exempts lawful activities of hunters, et al...are you saying that has now changed?
Perhaps it has...:confused:
While any HSUS pushed initiative should be suspect, incorrect info serves no one well and often simply angers the choir yelling Wolf! in a crowded theater.
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Measure 5 wants to put a stop on shock collars for dogs and wants to stop anybody from putting their dog or cat down if they are sick or dying ect;ect; its the humane society behind it all!

There is nothing I see that would imply the stop on shock collars for dogs.
:rolleyes:...that's the hsus standard procedure of....never letting truth get in the way of a good agenda.

The Humane society also has a weird view of fund uses. They spend a huge amount on their salaries, don't support animal shelters. About 85% goes straight to the welfare of the corporate structure to provide for the "welfare" of the employees! Look it up on Charity Navigator. DU is nearly reversed, with the 85% going to the source, providing habitat for ducks.
HSUS is a bad deal...not many do not know that fact.
Too many confuse them with their local humane society.
Any legislation they touch is tainted to varying degrees...however, there is never a need to put out bad info or spin.
Too many read w/o verifying.....I understand the issue and the potential but it is not in my nature to blindly follow the tooting of any horn.
"Just the fact's, ma'am" as Sgt Friday would say.
HS and PETA are truely believers in habitat for humanity - "humanity" being the improvement of "habitat" for their execs and employees.

They do almost NOTHING to improve the habitat for wild animals. We hunters and sportsmen do most(all?) of that. The best thing done for wild animals is to provide them the freedom of roaming their natural, protected, and improved habitat until the time comes to harvest them for fun AND FOOD.

I hate ZOOS! It's the most pathetic, sad, treatment of animals. I would outlaw them. If we could ask these "zoo prisoners", they would all say let me free and I'll deal with my natural wild environment including hunters, weather, and predators until I die in the wild.