the off season???

ok guys... i have a english pointer that is going to be one in april. The season has ended here in illinois. I have got him really good on his commands. he is very interested in the birds around the yard and stuff. So what should i do to get him ready for this upcoming season so he can be at his best performance??? thanks
Fever, You bet get him ready. The best way is find some birds and just let him practice, practice and more practice. The more birds he finds and points the better he will be next fall.............Bob
I agree with Bob get him on lots of birds now. In Mn the Game farms close April 1 (I think) so see about getting some piegons when the game farms open in August let him have at it. I always bring someone else to shoot at the farm I need to deal with the puppy. It's hunting for him and training for me.
Good luck to you. Post a picture of the dog. I love the long tails.
Nice Dog!

my son with ace

That's a great looking dog. For next season just keep him slender, let him do some free running, play a little fetch with a dummy and everything should be good to go come fall. Good luck!