Switch planting?

PD I have switch grass/big blue coming up now (I think). But I know I will have a foxtail issue due to the amount of seeds left from last year. Was thinking about applying some Plateau and some point this spring/summer to try and control the foxtail. Thoughts?

I think I am a hijacker, sorry GSP.
It's a preemergent, so if the weeds are already there, it won't be the herbicide of choice. In that case, you would have to use a herbicide safe for the grass directed toward the weed problem. The other options would be fire, cattle, or mowing.
mmd, I'm guessing what you have coming up isn't the native this early. The soil temp is probably too low now for the seed to germinate. Your extension agent or NRCS agent can probably tell you and you could probably apply Journey to kill those early problems before the native sprouts. Best to ask the pro's to ID for you though.
The grass is coming up from old stands of WSG soil temps are around 60. I will have to check for sure. So does that mean if I apply now before the foxtail germinates I would be ok. Or should I just run some sheep in it this summer to prevent the foxtail from developing a seedhead and be good to go for next year?
Establislhed native will green up prior to when seed would sprout. If the weeds in question haven't sprouted yet, then Plateau now would be good. Might want to avoid Journey in case it is the newly seeded plants.
I think I am a hijacker, sorry GSP.

Not at all. I appreciate the different perspectives.

So Plateau should be applied at the same time I apply my RU? Meaning this week.

Still better off with a light application of Plateau even though switch seems sensitive to it?
GSP, if it was me, I would wait a little later ( which might be next week there ) to plant and use the Roundup only. We've been growing NWSG for 100 years without Plateau. Maximizing your seed by using the drill will increase your success. I would rather spend more $ on a pound or 2 more seed per acre than drop a big check on Plateau not knowing if it's needed. Remember, I haven't seen your site or know what has been growing there. If you want to cut your risk, cutting the field in half and planting half next year will give you a chance to do more prep work and plant a cover crop. Lots of options.
GSP, if it was me, I would wait a little later ( which might be next week there ) to plant and use the Roundup only. We've been growing NWSG for 100 years without Plateau. Maximizing your seed by using the drill will increase your success. I would rather spend more $ on a pound or 2 more seed per acre than drop a big check on Plateau not knowing if it's needed. Remember, I haven't seen your site or know what has been growing there. If you want to cut your risk, cutting the field in half and planting half next year will give you a chance to do more prep work and plant a cover crop. Lots of options.

Great advice. I think that's the way I'm leaning.
Establislhed native will green up prior to when seed would sprout. If the weeds in question haven't sprouted yet, then Plateau now would be good. Might want to avoid Journey in case it is the newly seeded plants.

I agree. I had a new CRP NWSG planting that I applied both plateau and milestone on oin different parts and also my sprayer was breaking down and I missed patches. Where the plateau went on I had no foxtail. Where there was no spray or even just the milestone there was a serious foxtail issue. I plan to go over areas this spring with plateau and clean them up.

Where the plateau was done properly the switchgrass came in real nice the first year.

I used the RU/plateau (aka Journey) on a 18 acres patch I had cheatgrass in and and it set the cheat back good and the warms came in thick. I would be hesitant to do that again this year since it looks like some wheatgrass clumps are coming in already.
GSP, you have got some very good advise. I would however like to give you something else to think about as if you need it. All 24 acres in switch grass would be a bear to hunt. Maybe use a prairie grass mix with the forbs it on half and switch grass on the other half. I also think this would be better for the pheasants. I too had good luck by discing and broadcasting and then cultipacing a switch grass plot. I did it that way because that is the equipment I have and the seed was free so a little per acre did not matter. Good luck.
Very good advice Win97. The 24 acres is actually split up among three farms.

Your point is a good one though. I have been neglecting the cool season grasses and need to get to work on that too.