

New member
I have already pointed out all I am gonna share with the new season coming on other than weather or harvest reports. Some people are pokin around on here for a specific spot or hopin someone will put a rock on top of the birds till they can find em. Please read prior posts. I do live in the pheasant belt of the eastern plains. Dont ask silly questions.
Just a few new threads. I feel like I give an accurate report of what is going on. Than guys come on withouth reading what I have already posted.
Dang, & I was gonna ask for GPS coordinates of those darn rocks!!!:D

Just kidding engpointerman! I really have appreciated the weather reports you have been keeping us up on!:cheers: That is VERY cool of you:cool:
engpointerman I need you to go over to road H and get me some pics of the cover then run your dogs through to get me a flush count then over to Road M...............then road A...........Then oh never mind Ill see it when I get there. :cheers:
Heading NE tomorrow to do a bit of scouting. Weather forcast is showing warm temps all day tomorrow and hoping the birds are out and about. Went to Gander Mountain this afternoon to pick up new shells for the opener and I am getting antsy to say the least.

Not sure if anyone has tried them; but I picked up Gander Mountain brand size 5 shot shells made by Fiocchi. They shoot 1330 FPS and from what I can tell are the cheaper version of the Fiocchi Nickel-Plated Golden Pheasant rounds. Instead of $19.99 a box these are $14.99 so we will see. Up until now I have always used Reminton High-Brass size 5's with out to many complaints but wanted to test these faster loads out. I will keep you posted on my results and can only hope to post some pics with the review!

lot better

Theres lots better shells than that out there i seen ,walmart beleive it or not was selling the 1550 fps boxes of shells for 13 couldnt beleive it, over 20 at cabelas the (federals)
Just got home from South Sedgewick county and the corn was still out in all areas but a few. Good news is we kicked up 10 or so roosters and the habitat looks great. Not dry at all and actually quite wet in some areas. Knocked on 5 doors today and not one answer is the bad news. Seriously it was a ghost town in the fields. Sundays I guess! Anyways, I am tired and going to hang out with the family.

Quite a bit of corn has gone out this week. More optimistic than I thought. Depends on what tonights storm does. If we have a dececnt week more will be opened up. Problem is there is still a ton of corn to go and a ton of reports from most every farmer its still wet. We have all made alot of progress this week. We have baled 1000 acres in 4-5 days so mother nature is helping. Beets are getting closer to done so thats a good thing. :rolleyes:
Those crops being harvested sure will help. All of the birds I flushed today flew straight into the crops. I would prefer they have less places to hide.

On a lighter note, hearing those 747's take off sure was awesome! Damn I have missed that. It was so weird walking around today without a gun. :eek:
I heard from my buddy out in Holyoke earlier this week. He said the corn is coming out, but it definitely has a ways to go. As said on previous posts, the beets and millet are still waiting to be harvested, so we may not see everything out of the fields for a while. That's fine with me; it saves the birds for us die hards.

I think we're going to venture out east on Sunday. My guess is it will mostly be a scouting trip and an opportunity to run the dogs, but we'll see what happens.

Good luck to everyone!
Looks Wet

Seems the forecast for opener will call for rain. Or at least the grass will be very wet. Perhaps that will keep a few weekenders on their couch! Sunday might be the best bet.