Pratt Area??


I am coming to the Pratt area this year. From what I saw on the upland forecast it looks pretty good. Anybody else have any thoughts on this area??
I've been hunting around Pratt for a few years, usually late November. Sometimes it can be a long day, but have always seen plenty of birds. Pratt is a great little, hunter friendly town. Knock on a few doors and/or hang out at the local diners and you may get connected. You may also get into a few coveys of quail if you're lucky.
I have hunted north of Pratt for the last 5 or so years, and have always done real well. Usually just opening weekend, but last year I hunted a lot in January and still saw lots of birds. I was just up there over Labor day and saw lots of birds, earlier this spring my uncle said they had seen a lot of quail, but have since dwindled down. If you go up on opening weekend be sure to eat at Woody's Saturday night they usually have a $1 raffle for a shotgun. It looks like this year all the crops will be out by opening weekend, usually they are still cutting milo. As for getting permission I don't know, and the WIHA areas are pretty slim.

Hey guys...just joined up!!


I have chased birds (quail) near Pratt. Agree that the town folk are good to hunters.

Several years back we hunted the Sandhills WMA which has over 5K acres...of public access. Nice area w/ shelterbelts and lots of plum thickets.

A local auto shop fixed a broken heater on my truck and had me back in the field in no time flat!
How far from Pratt does a guy need to go to get into alot of quail?? Also, are there very many sand burrs in this area, where the dogs need to where boots?
There are places with quite a few sand burrs. Plan on spending fair amount of time digging them our of your dogs. As far as quail, I've had luck just a few miles outside of Pratt. Mostly where I find Plum thickets.........and lots of sand burrs! Good luck.
Haven't ever encountered sand burrs. Can the dogs handle them or do they need boots? Used to hunt in NE KS and never had a problem. How far from Pratt do you have to go to get out of the sand burrs?
Never liked boots. Dogs can handle them, but plan on spending the time to check them out every break. Not every place around Pratt has burrs. Kind of hit or miss.
Based on my travels...
I would say travel north and east...since eastern Kansas recieves more annual precip...less chance of the burrs.

We did run into them on the sandhills WMA and local private center pivot corners. the soil in south central KS is sandy....and the area is also dry.

Guys...please correct my if am wrong on this....but I think the sand burrs are more common in arid (dry) regions with sandy soil. And in broken ground areas like a waste pasture or near parking areas.

Same with Nebraska...sand hills = sand burrs
sand burrs

I've found milo field (N central KS) and especially roadside areas to be particularly prone to burrs. Painful to dog and owner alike!
Take some boots. It would be nice just to know you have them if you need them. If you get into a lot of burrs without the boots, you'll be stopping and picking them out often. Then they'll be sticking in your fingers.

I like Lewis Dog boots out of Enid OK. They are rubber. I know some guys don't like them, but as long as you follow the directions, they're not a problem. Hilarious watching the dogs start out in them though. Duct tape will get you by in a pinch, but it doesn't last long.
sand burrs are a nuissance for sure. I've had dogs just quit and lay down, which is much better for you than having a dog that doesn't stop and bloodies up his feet. At least when they lay down you can remove the burrs. Also, if you attempt to remove the burrs from the dog's feet with your bare fingers, you will end up bloody as well. They are sharp and hard enough to poke into the sole of your boot as well as the tires on your truck. I've never had them puncture a tire before, but I have heard of it happening.
We've always killed a good many quail at the Sandhills.

I heard some guys do well at Texas Lake. We don't take steel shot, so we've never tried it.

We use boots at some places.
I bought 3 sets of leather boots last week at Bass Pro off the Clearance rack for $2.90 a set.
We wrap the tops with electrical tape to keep the dogs from chewing them off.
boot the dogs for bures. everywhere has bures sometimes, mostly in ditches and crop fields. Just past through Pratt couple evenings ago, lots of birds.
3.50/4.00X18 motorcycle tubes work quite well- double them over and good duct tape around the top- couple hour run in wet sand burr field- trick is to use the best duct tape

3.50/4.00X18 motorcycle tubes work quite well- double them over and good duct tape around the top- couple hour run in wet sand burr field- trick is to use the best duct tape


those Britt's look real happy!!
Seems like the burrs are getting worst every year,we are seeing alot more around Dodge then we used to.
Has anyone been out around Ensign lately? If so,hows the bird population looking?