Just lost my favorite pheasant knife...a MADE IN USA Kabar Little Finn.
The newer ones are made in Taiwan or China. I'd broken my original and sent it in to Kabar, they replaced it with an import version. Not the same knife.
The original Little Finn was almost graceful...odd term...in its design. The newer one is different steel, thicker and clumsy in comparison.
I hated the new one and sent it back after they told me they still had the original broken one and would return it. I had a rod welded to the original blade and fitted it to an antler tine. Just perfect.
But...hell, anything will do for gutting, and a shears, even tin snips, works to snap the legs and wings off, then the neck, before you skin the bird.
As for breasting, seems to me you could just snip the ribs from the backbone...maybe not. Never had the urge.