Outdoor Kennel Suggestions


New member
I have an outdoor dog kennel with full concrete floor. Looking for some kind of idea to build an elevated outdoor spot where the dog can lay outside without being on the concrete. Have a lab so need something chew proof and also something that will not mold/deteriorate in the weather. Any ideas would be appreciated...
Horse stall mat.

One of my setters has a concrete pad in part of his fenced-in area...I put down a mat for him to lay on.
He often chooses the concrete.
I reckon he has his reasons.
I built a kennel in the corner of my shop with a door to a run outside. Outside I have a small deck built because the run is gravel. Inside I've got a couple horse stall mats on the floor to keep him off the concrete, more for the winter. He chewed on the deck a little bit but that was better than chewing the siding off my house. He just turned 3 so he's pretty much outgrown the chewing phase.
I have an elevated deck inside the kennel - plywood. He chewed on it for a while and quit, not much damage. However, the dogs seem to like the concrete, especially in the summer as it's cooler.
check out the Kuranda dog cotes. I have one on the inside of each kennel and one on the outside of each kennel the dogs love them. I get the large bed for my labs. I have used the cordora beds and have switched to the heavy duty vinyle. I also have gone to the aluminum frame instead of the pvc frame. Easy to clean.
I also have horse stall mats and like others sometimes they prefer to lay on concrete but also other times will lay on the mat. When doing my concrete have a little slope so the waste and water will go off the pad and also have 2 inch blocks under the fence panels so the water and such can get off the pad but dogs cant get under.