One more black eye.


New member
Everybodies worst fears came true today on being a good hunter. Got stopped by the game warden late this afternoon. Everything checked out fine. Then was asked if I had permission to hunt where I was at. Said yes pulled out the written permmission slip. He said great. Than proceeded to tell us that their was a ton of tresspassing today to the point people were shooting pheasants in the front yard of the local landowners. This is what gives hunters a bad name. Especially out of towners. Just thought everyone should know. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
That sucks, but I wonder if its a bit of an exageration. I hope it is anyway. I've been hunting in eastern CO for a while, and wouldn't have the huevos to kill something in front of someones house. If it is true, they'll get what they have coming. Karma will catch up to them!
I would say by his tempermant not a lie. He was very grouchy. Young kid. Im not old by anymeans but he looked and acted like he had a chitty day.
MAD With You!!!

Every time the rest of us try to gain any positive ground for the image of hunters/hunting some moron has to come along & set us all way back!!! If the game warden was that mad, can you imagine how mad the landowners were & how far-and-wide the news with lasting damage might have spread around to neighboring farms!...One thing that will help - if you ever witness this type of behavior, do not turn your back - let's police our own ranks & turn them in IMMEDIATELY!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I have noticed & even had to suffer the cumulative effects of far too much of this BS for years both on the tone of property signage & particularly when it comes to knocking on doors to ask for permission to hunt - you can often see it in the landowner's eyes - "Oh no, not ANOTHER one of you guys" or "Not on your life buddy"! I have often managed to work around this & secure permission anyway after letting the landowner get to know me enough to put them A LITTLE at ease, but this is just one more HUGE obstacle to have to overcome!!! :mad:
Alos quietly fustrated

I am new to this forum. I have not posted yet except for my intro, however I do try to see what is going on. I will be making my first trip on wednesday. Hearing about fools like these irratates me. That's another reason I start so late in the season. I hope this was there last weekend out. I sure the warden was not exagurating much. Unfortunately some people think its pheasant getting not hunting and show it by how they they go about there business. Probably the same fools that show up at 10 in the morning and intrude on my fishing hole I've been fishing since 6. Things like this is also a reason I go alone many times. I have gone with groups and have been disgusted by their unethical methods. They truly don't have a passion for the whole event of hunting. I have not shot a pheasant in a couple of years. The pure enjoyment of seeing a rooster flush is all I need to make it a good day. I know it can be frustrating not seeing or getting birds. That is not nearly as frustrating as trying to find a place to hunt or dealing with the short tempered but very justified farmer who has been taking advantage of. Forking up 20$ is a great deal for the amount of land opportunities to hunt. It would be nice to find out who these individuals are. I would love to go to there house, cut through the yard and take a steak off their grill. Hopefully as I get more comfortable with this forum I will get to hunt with some of you. It sounds like we share many of the same outdoor values.
Road Hunters

Not to turn this tread into a b*tch, but a couple weekends ago I witnessed a group of "hunters" riding on a tailgate, gun loaded, trying to shoot birds in the ditches. Unfortunately I had left my phone in the truck and was too far to get a plate. This was the most despicable act I have seen in 14 years of hunting!
Very classy hunting off the tailgate. I like the comment about busting through the fence and stealing the steak. Problem is most people dont view it that way. Good luck to everyone on the upcoming hunts.

Check out my new "Simple Win/Win Solution" thread to help ease/counter (not totally alleviate) the landowner/permission problems created for the rest of us in the continual wake of such nonsense!
Not to turn this tread into a b*tch, but a couple weekends ago I witnessed a group of "hunters" riding on a tailgate, gun loaded, trying to shoot birds in the ditches. Unfortunately I had left my phone in the truck and was too far to get a plate. This was the most despicable act I have seen in 14 years of hunting!

Did you see them actually shooting at birds from the truck? If so, go ahead and b$&ch away. But I have spent many a days on the back of a tailgate as we move from one field to the next. It's a good way to get more guys to the next field without excess vehicles.
Good thought chaddsbrit - we are all kinda prone to rush to judgement these days!...It would be nice to know exactly what obsession actually saw...This does not change the fact though, that there really are way too MANY morons out there making it hard on the rest of us! Regardless, I do know from experience that some kind of two-way hunter-landowner "written permission" contract/agreement such as the one I mentioned helps go a long way in alleviating any fears/suspicions a landowner might have toward those of us who want to play nice!!! :)
Yeah, I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt. It seems to have worked out for me if I approach life with the glass is half full mentality.

I too think that the more positive things we can do in regards to hunting, the better off everyone will be. YAnd you're right; any fears we can help alleviate is a step in the right direction.