New to forum looking for guys to hunt with in Utah


New member
I am looking for some good guys to hunt with in Utah or just about anywhere. I just bought a full broke english pointer and hope to get out and meet some new people.
Welcome to UPH Sorry I live in the wrong state. But hang in there I know some guys will answer your request. Suggestion did you post your request in the "Utah State Forum"?........Bob
Welcome to the board Wippit! What part of Utah are you in? I occasionally travel to Roosevelt area. Don't know if there's any hunting around that area. If not, I'm always looking for someone to join me for the times I'm in Denver.
Been slow so far. I know a lot of people who have had success, but the fields I hunt have been sitting under water for a week now and without a 4 wheel drive something I can't get down the other road.