Lots of hunters

I think they get 40 bucks every time a slip is filled out.Maybe more, maybe less.They don't pay taxes on it.
Every 2 weeks they send those slips in, and the state cuts them a check.Next thing they do, is build a fancy lodge, and charge money themselves. Eliminate the middle man, which is the state. This is what I'm against. None of the people on this site seem to get what's happening with pheasant hunting.
I think the MT farmer gets much less than $40 per signature….$13 as of last year…cap of $15,000
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Land that can be accessed publicly by signing a small card and putting it into a box at the parking area…the hunter keeps half as proof of “permission”…permission granted by completing the card and keeping your half. Landowner gets paid per card deposited in said box.
what is block management?
It is probably the best private land program to allow the public to hunt. There are a lot of different rules. Some ranches allow only so many hunters, others make you contact the landowners and others just allow you to hunt by just signing in. A great program that is abused by some and loved by many.
Hell, Goose, before internet I was hearing about how great Montana is. I bet anyone who owned a birddog heard about the trainers spending months out there in tents. There was also Gun Dog magazine. Up until the 90's there were millions upon millions of birds killed in Iowa and Kansas. When they petered out, (except around Remi's house) those who could afford it turned their sights on S.D. and MT. I'll take mediocre hunting over looking for a parking place. I've put off Mt. for decades. Now it sounds like I'm too late.
This season has been rediculas. When I start seeing those disgusting dog trailer people, I know it's getting bad.Why this year???
I saw these to rubes from Illinois the other day, hunting without a dog.Next day found a bunch of wounded roosters.Unskilled hicks coming to Montana. This trend will continue unfortunately.
Those guys were ok, but they shouldn't have hunted without a dog.
I saw these to rubes from Illinois the other day, hunting without a dog.Next day found a bunch of wounded roosters.Unskilled hicks coming to Montana. This trend will continue unfortunately.