Leaving tonight!


New member
Heading up to pick up my dad and nephew, then it is off to SD. My 9yo son is making his first hunting trip. Should be an exciting time!
Heading to Winner. The boy wont get much shooting at all. He is still in training with his pump bb gun. I am really going to work on safety with him. He is really excited. His teachers asked him to write a journal and take pics so I will be posting some of that when I get back.
That's awesome. Something he will remember for life. My boys are now " seasoned hunters" :D of 15 and 21.
I started deer hunting at 8. I still love it. He has gone on a few small excursions on a preserve where we live, but nothing like this. The biggest problem is his mom is already getting mopey b/c he is going. She was giving us the, " he's growing up" speech. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.
Funny how dads can't wait for our sons to be that age, and mom's dread it. Tell her to get a shotgun and come along. lol If I have to go to birthday parties, she has to go hunting. Best of luck. SD is down, but not out.
Funny thing is when they reach 13 or so my wife started looking forward to the break:D. Worked out good for me cause she really can't complain if I am taking most of the kids;). Now I need to get my daughter interested (12).
12 sounds old enough for mandatory fun. One more walker means more birds, and she old enough to carry.
The bad part is I would gladly bring my wife. Aside from the extra " benefits package " she would bring, she loves to hunt. I actually converted a city girl. Our first date she was picking deer guts out of the tailgate hinge while i washed it. Since then she has deer hunted and bird hunted a little. She would go if she could, but we have 2 younger children and she is a school teacher so it doesn't work out.
Boooo! I also converted a city girl. I think it should be part of Hunter's Ed. An entire section on how to convert tree huggers to hunters.