Kansas on my mind


Active member
I hope the great state of Kansas is getting some much needed rain or snow. The Dakotas have definitely got some snow and we have had a few snow storms in Utah as well. My thoughts are not only directed towards hunting and growing grasses and cover crops for animals, but for the incredibly kind landowners that allow me and my son to have access to their lands, that they will have good crop years so they can continue to feed our country and provide themselves and others with a living. Just a thought.
Had moisture in March and the wheat looks good. Personally, I hope it stays fairly dry. Rain and cold has hurt the hatch the last 3 years. We have been too wet at the wrong times. Pheasant will fair better if it is more dry than wet.
I am looking forward to another bird season in Kansas. Heck, my dog gets excited if I just say Kansas :)

Since I'm not optimistic about drawing a tag here in UT I'm thinking of trying to combine some bird hunting with a whitetail hunt in Nebraska. Still working on that idea.

Nebraska has been terrible for upland for past 5 years. there is limited cover, limited walk-in acreage.
it's so bad they stock pen raised birds around the holidays, pitiful.
Nebraska has been terrible for upland for past 5 years. there is limited cover, limited walk-in acreage.
it's so bad they stock pen raised birds around the holidays, pitiful.
Same in Utah. Pheasant hunting is all but gone here.