Indiana Checking in!


New member
Hey all!

A little background info. Started hunting with my Grandfather in WI as a little kid. I would carry my pellet gun. Ive raised two GSP, an Irish Water Spaniel and now a Pudelpointer. I haven't hunted for 15 years and a few years ago gave most of my guns to my boys that live in Idaho. Now I decided with retirement not far off I would get my last dog and do a little hunting.

Packer is 11 months old and doing pretty well. I joined my local NAVHDA and been training since week eight. Shot quail(pen raised), Phez ( pen and wild ) and a few ducks over him since. He is pointing nice but not steady to shot.

I joined the other day but I have been using Ultimate Pheasant Hunting for local game preserve hunts. I have posted looking for info on a KS hunt Iam putting together between Christmas and New Years.

Looking at the Northeastern area of the Smokey Hills Region. Counties of Republic, Cloud, Washington maybe Saline, Russell and Osborne. I know thats a lot of territory So if someone could help me narrow it down that would be awesome. Primary targets would be Pheasants first Ducks or Quail second. And no problem shooting rabbits either.

Gregg & Packer