First CO Double


With snow in the forecast I decided to go hunting Thursday and Friday last week. It was cold and windy but a great couple days. Thursday saw a lot of birds and had one shot that I missed with my new A400. I will chalk it up to the gun being new and very tight but if I feel if the gun would have cycled and had a follow-up shot I would have gotten that bird.

Friday was warmer and less windy and on our second field I got my first double in the state of Colorado. To be honest, I don't think I have ever had two roosters get up together in this state... My older dog Jep went to the first downed bird and Gus went to the second. When I was taking the bird from Jep and giving him lots of praise Gus decided he didn't want to be left out and came over leaving his bird. I've always said I was fine with my dogs not being great retrievers but after that, I think it may be time for some work...

On a side note, for those that shoot the Prairie Storm ammo, do you have an issue with how dirty they are? I switched to a 12 gauge over / under after the feed failure the day before. I had to clean the face of my receiver after those two shots in order to get my gun to fire because the action wouldn't completely close. I have noticed the barrels were really dirty after shooting that ammo but have never had them affect my gun in any way.

All in all, it was a great couple days and very nice to have conditions that allowed the dogs better scenting conditions for a change!

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Yes, I find that my barrel is quite dirty after a few shots of Prairie Storm (12ga, #4, this season. May go back to #5). Have not had cycling problems, though. I do use a pump, so that may be more forgiving than semi-autos.
I have heard Prairie Storm are dirty...I shoot Fioochi's or Kent....Nice!! A double on public Walk in in the "not know for upland bird hunting" state of Colorado ;) Been hunting here in this state since 1995 and have yet to kill a wild pheasant in the state of worries, I spend my gas and money elsewhere....

Happy New Year....some good looking pups too (I always have liked the solid chocolate GSPs)....retired USAF myself, thanks for your service too

I see your CZ cap, you shoot CZ shotguns? I have a 12ga O/U mallard gold....26in barrel, I love it. I also like the discount they give veterans too!! Good guns and good folks....

I don't shoot CZ's, only got the hat at an exhibition with a CZ rep. This year's main gun is a Browning Citori Feather in 12 gauge. It's a dream to carry all day, only brought the new Beretta A400 in 20 gauge since I just picked it up and wanted to try an auto for a change.

I have read a lot on the ammo and I'm wondering if it's the buffer material that is the problem. After one shot with 2 3/4" #5's the barrels look like I shot black powder. Actually had to clean crap off the face of the receiver to get action to close completely.
Thank you as well brother! Jep, the solid liver is almost 5 and Gus is 3 1/2. Their dad is solid black and the female was black and roan. They are awesome dogs and come by their skills naturally, I have done very little training other than a pen raised bird refresher once or twice a year.

Congrats man! Sounds like a great hunt with your dogs. I shoot HEVI-Shot pheasant and don't have any issues with my Ethos.
great photo, nice dogs......a little training and emphasis on the hold command will finish them up......i spent a lot of time with my boys on force fetch and hold.......they retrieve and sit and hold until i take the bird from them, it's a stylish touch and nice way to finish the retrieve.
I shoot prairie storm out of a Remington 1187 20 gauge auto. I have had no issues with these shells and absolutely love them. I shoot 3” #5 shot in 1 1/4 ox loads.
Thanks guys. I really like how the Prairie Storm ammo performs, it really hits hard, I just can't believe how dirty it is...