Cut Foot


New member
Ok guys, I'm up hunting in Northwestern North Dakota. My dog had a rough first day out here. She tangled with a barbed wire fence and ended up with a good sized cut on her leg. I cleaned it out.and put EMT Gel on it. It looks great this morning. I noticed her favoring one of her front feet last night and checked out her foot. She has a 1/2" deep cut by 1 1/2" long cuts under one of her pads. Any suggestions on how to treat that? She wants to hunt but I don't want her to come up lame on me. I was thinking of cleaning it out and superglueing it and wrapping it up. Any body have any other ideas? Thanks in advance!!
A cut pad that deep pretty much took her out of commission unfortunately. If you run her on that it will get dirty and infected certainly. Happened to me a few times. Had antibiotic and anti inflammatory given, along with rest till it healed up.:(
Thanks FC

I figured she'd probably be out for the rest of the trip. Just wanna make sure it heals right. We have a week and a half trip planned for South Dakota in November