Chewing problems


New member
Seems my puppy has a boredom problem that he cures with being destructive. Any tips on how I can stop this before decides to eat my damn boat to.I do play with him when I get home from work and i also let him in the house every night
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A sheer case of separation anxiety. The only cure is to get another dog :D:D
I have thought about that. I know his brother is still without a owner but then I thought about 2 of them eating the optimax off the back of the boat laughing while they were doing it
Lemme guess. Lab pup?
Smart dogs need constant mental and physical stimulation.Run him and train as much as possible.Can you get a neighbor to let him run in the yard occasionally while you are away?And large bones,too big to choke on,leave several in the area.Maybe some kind of swinging toy that would be safe,since he probably started on your boat cover by swatting at a part of the tie down rope that was dangling etc.
No he is a GWP he has the whole yard to himself all day long he has bones, toys,balls and tree limbs that he drags around. I don't put him in a pen we tried that and hey kept digging out of it and tearing his face all up, and i have a pretty big fenced in yard.
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Well the best idea is to crate your dog in a large crate till you get home or loose your shorts. A pup is going to be a pup and your giving a young teen keys to the home like a bunch a kids at there first beer bash. Never a good plan. We can't really fault the pup for normal behavior. Once he is mature and u can discipline him for stuff u catch him at you can give more freedom as he ages. Thats about all ya can really do.:(;) Time fixes it most times but you get to fix all the crap he wrecks letting him run.:D

Great article...Short and to the point except I do not agree with the good doctors intro to gunfire method (I use pigeons and 2 or 3 helpers. I always want my dogs to associate birds and gunfire). Oh yea I use treats and a clicker for early obediance so I guess we don't agree on everything.
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Great article and I agree. Kennel train, I call it a crate. One thing I would add is never use the kennel as some sort of punishment. It should always be a positive place for the pup to go.
I would crate train him as well.

I had issues with one of my dogs eating shoes. Tabasco sauce put an end to that.
Ok guys I am about at wits end. This has to be the most destructive dog I have ever seen. I bought the new cage for him and he was doing awesome then New Years Eve (human error) he got out of the cage and tore every mini blind in the house down that wasn't enough for him so he ripped all the lining off the side of the bed box springs right before he decided to get on the bed and eat a hole in it. I took blame for that mess up. He chewed the garden hose in about 10 pieces. Today I had him in the cage while I was at work and he had a accident in the cage, thats the first time that has happened but he has chewed up the piss pan on the bottom of the cage and has broke it down the middle almost like he was digging at it trying to lift it up. I have worked on basic commands sit stay lay, sit and stay he does pretty good most days. I think he is a smart dog but maybe to smart for his own good. I hate to do it and don't really want to but could he have to be a outside kennel dog? I have tried it for awhile and he has either dug underneth it and found so hard to get out of it he has lifted up corner chain link and snuck under it a concrete slab is not really a option cause it expensive and its a rental house.I have thought about chicken wire half on the fence and the other half staked to the ground. I guess I could gravel it. He is a 10 month old GWP . Is there any options or suggestions out there that I have not thought of? Or do I have a rare crazy destructo devil dog? Any help would be very appreciated. Could it be a severe case of seperation anxiety I mean more so the a normal dog? Thanks Jason
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Does a neighbor or friend have a dog you could put in the outside kennel with him as a test? It might be an interesting experiment.I have had zero luck w/chain link kennels.I have had a rottweiler who chewed right through the side of it.And a male spaniel that could destroy or Houdini the thing every time the bitch was in heat.I bought a welded wire unit and used about 6 in of gravel as a floor.I sure liked the looks of the elevated unit someone had a pic of on this site.Looked like he used treated lumber.Other than that,the only thing that comes to mind is to set him up to have a bad experience by letting him think you are gone,have a way to witness his behavior thru a window,surveillance cam etc.Then give him a good jolt on the training collar at just the right moment.That would likely be my last resort. I know some others recommended not leaving anything for him to chew,but to me it makes sense to provide something he can chew but not be disciplined for it.All dogs chew.My male spaniel is annoying me with his bone-chewing as I write this.At least the furniture is intact,though.Good luck.
Ok guys I am about at wits end. This has to be the most destructive dog I have ever seen. I bought the new cage for him and he was doing awesome then New Years Eve (human error) he got out of the cage and tore every mini blind in the house down that wasn't enough for him so he ripped all the lining off the side of the bed box springs right before he decided to get on the bed and eat a hole in it. I took blame for that mess up. He chewed the garden hose in about 10 pieces. Today I had him in the cage while I was at work and he had a accident in the cage, thats the first time that has happened but he has chewed up the piss pan on the bottom of the cage and has broke it down the middle almost like he was digging at it trying to lift it up. I have worked on basic commands sit stay lay, sit and stay he does pretty good most days. I think he is a smart dog but maybe to smart for his own good. I hate to do it and don't really want to but could he have to be a outside kennel dog? I have tried it for awhile and he has either dug underneth it and found so hard to get out of it he has lifted up corner chain link and snuck under it a concrete slab is not really a option cause it expensive and its a rental house.I have thought about chicken wire half on the fence and the other half staked to the ground. I guess I could gravel it. He is a 10 month old GWP . Is there any options or suggestions out there that I have not thought of? Or do I have a rare crazy destructo devil dog? Any help would be very appreciated. Could it be a severe case of seperation anxiety I mean more so the a normal dog? Thanks Jason

you're not married are you? at least now you are not! WOW!
lol No I'm not married. No neighbors that have dogs. At night I bring him in the house and he sleeps in another kennel right next to the bed and he does great.
Ok guys I am about at wits end. This has to be the most destructive dog I have ever seen. I bought the new cage for him and he was doing awesome then New Years Eve (human error) he got out of the cage and tore every mini blind in the house down that wasn't enough for him so he ripped all the lining off the side of the bed box springs right before he decided to get on the bed and eat a hole in it. I took blame for that mess up. He chewed the garden hose in about 10 pieces. Today I had him in the cage while I was at work and he had a accident in the cage, thats the first time that has happened but he has chewed up the piss pan on the bottom of the cage and has broke it down the middle almost like he was digging at it trying to lift it up. I have worked on basic commands sit stay lay, sit and stay he does pretty good most days. I think he is a smart dog but maybe to smart for his own good. I hate to do it and don't really want to but could he have to be a outside kennel dog? I have tried it for awhile and he has either dug underneth it and found so hard to get out of it he has lifted up corner chain link and snuck under it a concrete slab is not really a option cause it expensive and its a rental house.I have thought about chicken wire half on the fence and the other half staked to the ground. I guess I could gravel it. He is a 10 month old GWP . Is there any options or suggestions out there that I have not thought of? Or do I have a rare crazy destructo devil dog? Any help would be very appreciated. Could it be a severe case of seperation anxiety I mean more so the a normal dog? Thanks Jason

Crate TRAIN not crate confine he is a pup still....... Give it time all pups are destructive some just take it a little further. At 10 months I would expect a dog to be able to make 8ish hours with out an accident. That he destroyed the drip tray after an accident tells me he is not a "pig". I am not a fan of "kennel dogs" and do not believe outside lock down will improve your dog. I understand why people keep dogs in outside kennels (i have 3 runs) but i truely believe dogs do best in the house. Join a training group or go to community education obediance classes. Making a dog, especially a pup think will tire them more completly than physical activity.

He is a pup do not give up on him.

Crate TRAIN not crate confine he is a pup still....... Give it time all pups are destructive some just take it a little further. At 10 months I would expect a dog to be able to make 8ish hours with out an accident. That he destroyed the drip tray after an accident tells me he is not a "pig". I am not a fan of "kennel dogs" and do not believe outside lock down will improve your dog. I understand why people keep dogs in outside kennels (i have 3 runs) but i truely believe dogs do best in the house. Join a training group or go to community education obediance classes. Making a dog, especially a pup think will tire them more completly than physical activity.

He is a pup do not give up on him.


That a dog sours his crate(iv'e never used one)during confinement is no "accident".They are wired through thousands of years to be able to relieve themselves at-will.House-training goes against nature.That being said,of course it's neccessary to do.All I'm saying is give the dog as much opportunity to relieve himself as often as possible.I go out with my dogs usually three times from 6pm to next morning.An outdoor kennel with adjacent run is the best setup that I have had.I fail to understand how fresh air and sunshine(totally neccessary for proper growth of nearly any living being) is not preferable to being confined indoors in a crate that does not allow at least enough movement to stimulate bodily functions.The scourge of old dogs is kidney problems and I am firmly convinced that extended periods of "holding it" is a big factor over the course of a dogs life.
That a dog sours his crate(iv'e never used one)during confinement is no "accident".They are wired through thousands of years to be able to relieve themselves at-will.House-training goes against nature.That being said,of course it's neccessary to do.All I'm saying is give the dog as much opportunity to relieve himself as often as possible.I go out with my dogs usually three times from 6pm to next morning.An outdoor kennel with adjacent run is the best setup that I have had.I fail to understand how fresh air and sunshine(totally neccessary for proper growth of nearly any living being) is not preferable to being confined indoors in a crate that does not allow at least enough movement to stimulate bodily functions.The scourge of old dogs is kidney problems and I am firmly convinced that extended periods of "holding it" is a big factor over the course of a dogs life.

I totally agree that fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity are the building blocks. Unfortunatly many "kennel" dogs become lost souls, give them some food, give them some water and maybe let them out to run when their is nothing else to do. Oh yea don't forget to throw on an e-collar (to hell with training) and head to the field for that 2-3 days a season they get hunted. Rancho you do not sound like this type at all and thats great. But lets face it most of us will never do this but many people do. My boys spend nice days when I am at work outside. But when I am home they are with me. As for soiling his crate dogs have evolved to where they are no longer comfortable laying or standing in their filth and will avoid it at all costs. Hossdogs pup destroyed his drip pan out of a desire to avoid his filth and maybe a boredom.

I cannot stress that tiring your dog will cure many behavior problems. A walk around the block will not tire a field dog. Throwing bumpers can do it but some dogs will become bored with this as. As a retreiver guy I will never throw bumpers till exhaustion (always leave them wanting more) . Roading is good but not with a young dog whos growth plates are not set. Plus roading is hard to do if you live in town. Basic obediance classes are cheap, socialize your dog, and will make their brain work. Trust me a mentally exhausted pup is tired to the core where as puppy muscles tire quick and recharge quick.