can I shoot pigeons for bird training?


New member
I am a first timer bird trainer... I just wanted to get some confirmation that I could shoot pigeons for dog training. I live in ND
i know some guys do to start them out on, i usually buy about a dozen quail they are easier for me to get.
well no I wasnt going to start blasting them... I was going to either trap or buy them and shoot them as I launch them from my launcher.
Are you asking is it legal to shoot piegon's for dog training in ND?

If your asking is shooting piegons part of my dogs training a good idea I would say Yes. But I would let a couple fly first so the dog can see them before you shoot. My next question is have you shot around the dog before?
well no I wasnt going to start blasting them... I was going to either trap or buy them and shoot them as I launch them from my launcher.

I know lots of grain elevators such as CO-OP or GTA feed, or any of those... are number one hot spots for Pigeons.

Im sure they would let you set up traps to get pigeons out of their elevators.

try doing that, however they will be wild pigeons so im not sure how they would react to being held in your hands or for training.
just bought wild pigeons that were trapped they were fine being held used gloves at first then found out it was very unneccessary found out that you can over dizzy them if not using launcher was nervouse they would fly away so i really spun them good bad idea because when they get up they fly 10 feet then land again then they will fly into tree and sit thier driving dog crazy
i'm a first time trainer to
just bought wild pigeons that were trapped they were fine being held used gloves at first then found out it was very unneccessary found out that you can over dizzy them if not using launcher was nervouse they would fly away so i really spun them good bad idea because when they get up they fly 10 feet then land again then they will fly into tree and sit thier driving dog crazy
i'm a first time trainer to

LB you just need to give them more time before you go in with the dogs. What you did was most likely fine. But they can take several minutes before being ready to fly. Usealy about 2 minutes, but longer is better. We plant them in pup trials and they sit there for 1/2 hr or so often. But fly great. You will get it. But it takes a few droped in and flying away to figure it out. :D
thats why i usually buy a dozen because of the get away birds that may get out of my hands before i plant them and sometimes they fly off before i get there with the pup,i usually dizzy the bird for few seconds then tuck his head and out him cover ,go back to truck and then get the pup and try to approach from about 30 or 40 yards away with the wind in the pups nose to try to set the pup up for success, read in a book once when training on a new pup always try to set it up to allow the pup to always have a good chance of success to help make training easier.
Really wild pigeons are great for dog work---they throw a lot of scent and will fly strong and completely away if not dizzied too much. But IMO without launchers free planting them can get tricky. Dizzy 'em too much and you can have trouble. Not enough and they'll fly before you get to them. Unlike most game birds they aren't as content to dive into cover until you and the dog come along.

Key things here are being sure the dog is well exposed to shooting before thinking of shooting at any birds around it; launching the bird as soon as the dog gives you an indication it caught the scent and turned towards the bird w/o stopping; if it stops to point but then starts creep in, launch the bird as soon as the dog takes it's first step, DON'T SHOOT any birds not worked well; and don't stop the dog who busts a bird until after it has chased it a short distance--dog needs the birds to teach it when to point, not you.

And don't shoot every one, and don't work too many birds at once. If the pup handles 2 or 3 birds well don't keep after it and tempt fate, pull the plug and call it a good day.
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