Boot Care


New member
What is everyone using on their leather boots to keep them in good condition between hunts?? I have always used mink oil paste, but I am having to apply it after every weekend of hunting and with the high temps, there hasn't been much mileage yet. It's getting a little old having to brush em down, apply more mink oil, and melting it in with the heat gun.

Just looking to see if there is anything that possible lasts a little longer.
Obenauf's Heavy Duty.

Don't use anything with petroleum base as it will degrade the adhesives and also eventually the leather.
Thanks for info thus far.

How often are you applying?? When you apply, is it a single application or multiple applications??

I'm trying to figure out how to get best possible protection and life....they don't seem to be giving boots away and want them to last.
I reapply when I know the stuff has worn off and the leather looks dry and bit beat up.

I usually apply before a hunting trip...especially useful in wet snow; that's when my boots seem to leak.

Sno seal requires warm and dry boots and applied with a dryer or heat source. Usually a single application.
I use Obernaufs heavy duty. Leather Honey is great if you just want a conditioner.

Only use SnoSeal if you don't plan on resoling your boots.
Call me crazy but at the end of the season I do this:
1. Go to car wash to wash truck and boots (yes, I use the high pressure rinse to clean my Irish Setters)
2. Let boots dry for several days
3. Clean with a good saddle soap
4. Let boots dry for several days
5. Apply mink oil, let dry and polish with brush
6. Let boots dry for several days
7. Apply 2nd layer of mink oil, let dry and polish
8. Hunting season comes back and I wear the crap out them again
9. Repeat
Saddle soap to clean and obenhaufs to condition and preserve them.:thumbsup:
What is everyone using on their leather boots to keep them in good condition between hunts?? I have always used mink oil paste, but I am having to apply it after every weekend of hunting and with the high temps, there hasn't been much mileage yet. It's getting a little old having to brush em down, apply more mink oil, and melting it in with the heat gun.

Just looking to see if there is anything that possible lasts a little longer.

Use can oopt for the insulated boot or just the water proof one.
I wear a pair of all leather Scarpa SL Activ's and have had good results with the Grainger Leather Boot Conditioner. You still need to rub it in, but no heat gun required!
Thanks for info thus far.

How often are you applying?? When you apply, is it a single application or multiple applications??

I'm trying to figure out how to get best possible protection and life....they don't seem to be giving boots away and want them to last.

I do Obenauf's HD three times per year. Once before the season and once in season and once after the season. Probably overkill but I like to do the mid-season one just before the first snow hunt.

Used on an old pair of Rocky Outbacks that I hunted in for over 15 years. Eventually the leather was simply worn away. No way that happens without the Obenaufs.

Now used on a pair of Russell's that look same as new in their 4th season. No heating either. Simply wipe on with your hands and look for any dry spots after a few hours. That tells you where the leather was driest and soaked up the most product, usually at the creases.

Used to use SnoSeal but IMO Obenaufs is better.