Bone Spurs - Question


Active member
Hello all,

Echo (7) was just diagnosed with bone spurs in her right front paw. She has and continues to walk with an occasional, but noticable limp. We have her on a low dose, anti-inflammatory. The vet said that there is nothing more we can do. I say BS to that.

Has anyone else experienced this diagnosis? What can be done to relieve a dog of this discomfort?

Any guidance is appreciated.
I've had bone spurs removed from my shoulder and neck in separate surgeries. Depending upon location you'd think some could be removed but I'm sure extremely spendy. Too bad at a relatively young age.
No idea whether surgery is a remedy. Wondering if a roomy Lewis boot with a foam pad would ease the pain.
I've had bone spurs removed from my shoulder and neck in separate surgeries. Depending upon location you'd think some could be removed but I'm sure extremely spendy. Too bad at a relatively young age.
I was surprised with the lack of options. I would think that they could clean the paw with surgery.
I agree with Gimruis. A second opinion would definitely be an option for me. Some vets out there are quick to dismiss alternatives. Plus most vets I’ve dealt with lately tend to be a little more doom and gloom.
I personally would opt for the most non surgical method available.