Black Friday success!!!


New member
Wife went shopping GSP & I went hunting with brother-in-law. NW MO went to a place that held a handful of birds last season. This year it was loaded. Took three roosters saw probably 9 all within gun range+10 or more hens. Dog did great. Admittedly this place gets almost no pressure. We left without chasing all the birds off of the property, want to be able to go back later this year.
I beleive you i know that a guy can do good in nw mo i had a blast and kept busy with quail. You can go to western ks hunt your ass off and you might kill one or two lol man i never thought i would be saying that but i am going to go back couple more times to ks to see if i can prove myself wrong but i doubt it .
Been hunting in KS 7 days so far and have not had a shot at a pheasant. No pointed roosters at all. Went to Mo 3 days and have had 3 roosters pointed, on each day. I am going to hunt MO more this year.

Hunted 5 hours public yesterday. Flushed 1 covey and saw 3 pheasant with no chance of a shot. Really hoping to see more quail next time.