Archery Pheasant starting 10/11


New member
Anyone going out this weekend? Got some flu flu arrows and snaro heads this week and will be trying my luck on Saturday. If nothing else it will get the dog some work.
Re: Archery pheasants

No luck this weekend, didn't even see a bird. Got pretty hot so I packed it up around noon or so. With the cooling weather and supposed rain this week I will probably try again this weekend. I did take some practice shots on Friday afternoon by having my son throw a dead fowl trainer and I hit it on the third try. After that I probably hit it 5 out of 10 times. Not near as hard as I thought it would be. Would probably be even easier with a recurve or long bow.
I did it years ago back home & it quickly became a passion. You are correct in that instinctive shooting with traditional bows lends itself well to this application. Managed pheasants, ducks, & geese on the wing with ducks being the most difficult for me. Luckiest shot (note that I didn't say "best," lol) was on a 30-yard starling, with a conventionally-fletched arrow tipped with an HTM rubber blunt out of my longbow; to this day I don't know who was more surprised, me or the bird. I can't draw a bow anymore due to a bum shoulder, but back then I practiced year-round.
Good luck! That has got to take a ton of skill. Sounds exciting.

It's fun and a bit of a eye opener to say the least. The thing that got me was thinking your shot looked good only to have the pheasant see the arrow and take evasive action to make it miss--:eek: