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  • My buddy has a GSP, I hunt a Braque Francais Pyrenees (the smaller of the two French Pointers). Just had to put down my Vizsla right before the season because of cancer.
    I just started a new territory at work - KY. Was down last weekend and talking to some of the guys and I usually try to bring up hunting. Met three quail hunters, most looking for places to go but they all said they've heard reports that this has been a really good quail year. Just worried up here with all the snow and cold we've had.
    Hey Murph......good deal about your quail hunting in Indiana.
    What type of dogs are you hunting?
    I have 3 Llew setters. A covey an hour is good.....I would say we are about the same here. But I have had 2 hunts where we flushed 3 coveys per hour. Most of the coveys were good sized at 12 to 20 birds.....but they are getting smaller now and I will not be pressuring those until next year. I try to leave at least 6-8 birds per covey so they will have a good chance to survive until the following breeding season. Drop me a line anytime......

    Go Cats!

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