Youtube ? for the tecies


I'm sorry to say, the pheasant videos I've posted on YouTube and linked to UPH will no longer be accessible to anyone. (This is just for videos that I've posted on YouTube and linked)

This upsets me a bit due to one of my videos about pheasants is being used in multiple publications to educate people about red ice and how it kills wild pheasants:(

So anyway, I have a question for those who are more knowledgeable on the subject.

YouTube has been asking me to switch my account name over to my real name. I've been declining due to the nature of my commenting/debating animal rights wackos on Youtube. I always speak to them with respect, but at times they've threatened me and to be honest some we're not "all there" and down right scary when they've emailed me directly:eek:

I went into my account today to find YouTube blocked/removed all my videos.:mad: All of my pheasant videos state "video no longer available":confused::confused:

I've heard of this happening to people who have a Google Plus account, but don't have Google Plus, just a gmail account and photo uploader.

Anyone having the same issue? Any recommendations as to where I can upload my pheasant videos again (besides YouTube!)? I hope to re-link my videos on UPH if I can get them onto another source.

Thanks for any help and sorry for such a lengthy explanation.:)
Creat a Facebook account with a fake name as well as opening an email account in the same etc. upload videos to Facebook. Post that to this site and have people invite themselves if the like it. Those who join and spew hate just block.
That is one way.
Another is similar open fake email account, go to YouTube post. BTW I think you can post and not allow comments.
I agree PETA, ALF, ELF all nuts. If I was not punching an iPhone screen on wifi I'd post up a link of some South Carolina ELF members screaming and crying over logging. Some college kids did a spoof on YouTube over this. Both videos are on YouTube.
Thanks Rednose. It seems like it's going to be more of a hassle than it's worth:(

Someone was telling me about Vimeo:confused: I might look into that option.:confused::)