Your Legacy


Active member
What would you like to remembered for after your gone from this earth?

I would like to be remembered for fighting for the underdog. Caring for the elderly, handicapped and poor.

For being a good dad and husband

and a great cook, hunter and fisherman.

What would you like to be remembered for?
Kinda morbid, but I would want to be remembered as a loyal friend, a loving husband and father, and I would want people to remember my honesty, integrity, and intelligence.

Those are the things I value most about myself (and in my friends and loved ones), so hopefully people would recognize that in me as well.

But, on the flip side, I think I would also want them to remember some of my more amusing flaws. That's what makes us human, after all...:cheers:
Kinda morbid, but I would want to be remembered as a loyal friend, a loving husband and father, and I would want people to remember my honesty, integrity, and intelligence.

Those are the things I value most about myself (and in my friends and loved ones), so hopefully people would recognize that in me as well.

But, on the flip side, I think I would also want them to remember some of my more amusing flaws. That's what makes us human, after all...:cheers:

I thought it would maybe show some of the more positive things about ourselves. Then the constant bickering and animosity towards one another because of what each of us wants from this life.
Re the uplands, I hope I would be considered a good person with which to share the recognized small and large points of a hunting day.
Beyond that, I would like to be remembered for putting bird dogs first and considering the needs of game birds ahead of the needs of game bird hunters.