Worried about gun control? Watch this video of what did happen in our country!

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A great video but we would never get people to stand together on anything anymore. A fight for control would break out between those wanting to revolt. Everybody wants to be a chief and nobody wants to be a Indian. Divide and conquer, it's alive and well. Until people put this war of republican and democrat aside and fight as American's. Nothing will EVER! change.

A great video but we would never get people to stand together on anything anymore. A fight for control would break out between those wanting to revolt. Everybody wants to be a chief and nobody wants to be a Indian. Divide and conquer, it's alive and well. Until people put this war of republican and democrat aside and fight as American's. Nothing will EVER! change.


I've had enough 'chief" action over the course of my professional career. My desire is to be an 'indian' when everything shakes lose.

I believe something will change when the people run out of food and can no longer afford to keep their TV's on. So long as 'this war of republican and democrat' continues, we will see a day when everyone is hungry and pst off in America.

2 days ago I learned my employer expects me to submit to cholesterol, BMI, blood pressure, and nicotine usage checks for my insurance. They want to keep this stuff on record and standardize my behaviors to suit the Michelle Obama's of the world. Anyone that doesn't comply will have to pay $8/wk as a penalty. Anyone who participates and fails any of the exams will be charged an additional $1.50. While I understand high-risk people cost more on average, I feel there should be voluntary incentives offered to those who live healthy lifestyles, as opposed to penalties for those who choose not to! I'll pay the $8, despite my ability to pass 3 of the tests. I will not submit to their intrusion. I wonder if there will be future consequences for not complying. It is time to stand for something and not be the 'puppy on a string' Mr. Tippin sang about. We are being 'treaded on':mad:
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The country is divided because you've got people who want (need) the government to help with everything,and you've got people that just want to be left alone.

How can these 2 groups stand together?
The country is divided because you've got people who want (need) the government to help with everything,and you've got people that just want to be left alone.

How can these 2 groups stand together?

People even with the same beliefs fight among themselves. Specially on the right side of the isle. They can't unite on anything. I think they would eat their own young. Even Rush and one of his Tpublican callers this week agreed. A majority of American's hate them. They are not well liked and their ideas is why they and their party lost the election. The republican party was my party for many years but I just can't hate other people as they do. No matter what their views are. Everybody deserves to fight their fight. We are all Americans first and republican's and democrats somewhere down the line. I place the good Lord far above all of them.
People even with the same beliefs fight among themselves. Specially on the right side of the isle. They can't unite on anything. I think they would eat their own young. Even Rush and one of his Tpublican callers this week agreed. A majority of American's hate them. They are not well liked and their ideas is why they and their party lost the election. The republican party was my party for many years but I just can't hate other people as they do. No matter what their views are. Everybody deserves to fight their fight. We are all Americans first and republican's and democrats somewhere down the line. I place the good Lord far above all of them.

Then your ahead of curve. It's not about R vs D. It's about WE THE PEOPLE.

We are their boss, they work for us, not the other way around. The video in the op, is a great example of this very point. I saw this video several weeks before it was posted here. I had no proir knowelge of this fight. :cheers:
Can one of the mods move this crap to the lounge? Several mods tend to participate instead of police for content.
It like divide and conquer. If you the one they want put in jail, you and all others must be willing to stand your ground, at whatever impact that has. So if they come for you, and tell everybody else that the government has no problem with them....are they going to rise up and save you? or determine that there must be a problem with you! Eventually, the come for all of us, but it takes a long time to get there, many years in prison, like Ghandi, Solgenysin, Mandella. Who wants to be the first? When we formed this county, it is surmissed that we had about 10% of fire-brand patriots, they created enough mischief to create a revolution. They also had a publicized treatise which a had everyones signatures which were a hanging offense, so they we joined regardless, good or bad.
Can one of the mods move this crap to the lounge? Several mods tend to participate instead of police for content.

Yes by all means move the theard. You think it will be any better inthe lounge. So far it has been a reasonable discussion about something that will affect us all. Don't like it, don't post on the thread.:)
A little history lesson on Gun Control

Items 1, 2 and 4:

“Reagan last week declared his support for a bill requiring a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases. He did so at a George Washington University ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the shooting that almost killed him and permanently disabled his press secretary, James S. Brady.

“It is called the Brady Bill, and Reagan said Congress should enact it without delay. ‘It's just plain common sense that there be a waiting period to allow local law enforcement officials to conduct background checks on those who wish to buy a handgun,’ the former president said.’”

Item 3 and 5:

“It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, ‘prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street.’ The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

“Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. ‘I support the Brady Bill,’ he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, ‘and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay.’"

Item 6:

“All those magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds will be legal to manufacture again. It will once again be legal to import the group of shotguns administratively banned by Ronald Reagan and the group of semi-automatic rifles similarly banned by the first President Bush. (Both of these executive bans were codified in the 1994 law.)”

Since the KABA poll was released, additional information has resurfaced concerning President Reagan’s support for the 1994 “assault weapon” ban: “Kenneth J. Cooper & Ann Devroy, Backers of Assault Weapons Ban Make Final Push for Undecided Votes, WASH. POST, May 5, 1994, at A5. Former Presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan announced their support of the ban in a letter.”
Can one of the mods move this crap to the lounge? Several mods tend to participate instead of police for content.

Good recommendation. Done.

I'd rather participate than "police for content". I volunteered to "police" for spammers (primary cause of 'Pheasant Country' website's DEATH). Come to think of it, there aren't many spammers around here anymore. My help probably isn't needed any longer. I can request a member status if that makes you feel better:confused:
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A little history lesson on Gun Control

Items 1, 2 and 4:

“Reagan last week declared his support for a bill requiring a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases. He did so at a George Washington University ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the shooting that almost killed him and permanently disabled his press secretary, James S. Brady.

“It is called the Brady Bill, and Reagan said Congress should enact it without delay. ‘It's just plain common sense that there be a waiting period to allow local law enforcement officials to conduct background checks on those who wish to buy a handgun,’ the former president said.’”

Item 3 and 5:

“It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, ‘prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street.’ The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

“Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. ‘I support the Brady Bill,’ he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, ‘and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay.’"

Item 6:

“All those magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds will be legal to manufacture again. It will once again be legal to import the group of shotguns administratively banned by Ronald Reagan and the group of semi-automatic rifles similarly banned by the first President Bush. (Both of these executive bans were codified in the 1994 law.)”

Since the KABA poll was released, additional information has resurfaced concerning President Reagan’s support for the 1994 “assault weapon” ban: “Kenneth J. Cooper & Ann Devroy, Backers of Assault Weapons Ban Make Final Push for Undecided Votes, WASH. POST, May 5, 1994, at A5. Former Presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan announced their support of the ban in a letter.”


No argument, however we are not talking about Hand guns and there is no definition of assault weapons in the bill Feinstein Introduced, they are all Semi- automatic weapons. Perhaps you have not read the bill. You can find it in the lounge, Britchaser provided it for all of us to read. This is IMHO.

Is it already a crime to kill a person with a Gun. I think it's call Murder. So Why do we need anymore laws on the books???? Why do I have to give up my rights to own guns because nut's and criminals use them to kill????
Good recommendation. Done.

I'd rather participate than "police for content". I volunteered to "police" for spammers (primary cause of 'Pheasant Country' website's DEATH). Come to think of it, there aren't many spammers around here anymore. My help probably isn't needed any longer. I can request a member status if that makes you feel better:confused:

It doesn't make me feel better. IMO if you take on a leadership role whether it be Mod on or hall monitor, you need to be mature enough to keep yourself above the fray. I don't know why that would confuse you:confused:

No argument, however we are not talking about Hand guns and there is no definition of assault weapons in the bill Feinstein Introduced, they are all Semi- automatic weapons. Perhaps you have not read the bill. You can find it in the lounge, Britchaser provided it for all of us to read. This is IMHO.

Is it already a crime to kill a person with a Gun. I think it's call Murder. So Why do we need anymore laws on the books???? Why do I have to give up my rights to own guns because nut's and criminals use them to kill????

Just pointing out that this is not a isolated event. Nor is it confined to any one party. Nearly every administration since WW-2 has either implemented or attempted to implement some form of new gun control.
Just pointing out that this is not a isolated event. Nor is it confined to any one party. Nearly every administration since WW-2 has either implemented or attempted to implement some form of new gun control.

Yes onpoint,

But that doesn't mean that we the people should lie down and give in. I think you know why. I for one will never give up on the Bill of rights, or anything my for fathers fought for, or anythig else, I have fought for. FREEDOM. :10sign:
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