Who Sucks the Most: Twins vs. Royals


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Well lets see. The Twins have lost 11 of their last 13 games. On the recent 6 game road trip they were 1-5 and very lucky not to be 0-6. In the 6 games they had a total of 22 hits and 8 runs (3 runs were gifts). That's 3.6 hits per game and 1.3 runs. Not going to win many games at that pace. So the Twins are now 7-20 on the season for a winning percentage of .259. At this rate we should win 42 games and lose 120. I believe that would be a new MLB record for losses in a season.

Gee, I think my vote is for the Twins. The Royals look mighty fine in comparison.
I would say that the Twins are in more trouble than the Royals.
The Royals should get better as the year goes along with all the young players.

But we will see when the season is over.
no dought the twins i watched there pitching and i beleive its the worst i have ever seen man i tell you what the days of puckett and hrbeck that was a dang good team and had great pitching
Zeb while it would seem that the Twins future prospects are not as bright as the Royals, I would say our misery is far more rooted than yours. Although the Twins have not been won the World series in a long time, it has been nearly that long since the Royals have won a division title. In the last dozen years the Twins have won the central division six times I believe, while the Royals have never won the central division. In fact it has been twenty-seven years since the Royals have been to the playoffs. That is a long time for a team that was there fighting the dirty Yankees every year in the mid-seventies and early eighties. We made the series in eighty and eighty-five, then we have never been to the post season again. When kaufmann let john shuerholz go to the braves, it started their dynasty and ended ours. I think maybe we have something in his understudy dayton moore, but time will tell. I have two sons that play, and they are barely interested in Royals baseball. We can give all the lip service we want, but it gets hard rooting for a loser. Hey OP, where can I buy an Alabama flag:eek:
Zeb while it would seem that the Twins future prospects are not as bright as the Royals, I would say our misery is far more rooted than yours. Although the Twins have not been won the World series in a long time, it has been nearly that long since the Royals have won a division title. In the last dozen years the Twins have won the central division six times I believe, while the Royals have never won the central division. In fact it has been twenty-seven years since the Royals have been to the playoffs. That is a long time for a team that was there fighting the dirty Yankees every year in the mid-seventies and early eighties. We made the series in eighty and eighty-five, then we have never been to the post season again. When kaufmann let john shuerholz go to the braves, it started their dynasty and ended ours. I think maybe we have something in his understudy dayton moore, but time will tell. I have two sons that play, and they are barely interested in Royals baseball. We can give all the lip service we want, but it gets hard rooting for a loser. Hey OP, where can I buy an Alabama flag:eek:
it took me years to roll over carp lmao college football is my specialty carp just pick a sec team yo cant go wrong theres a reason i just paid cash for a new truck it sure wasnt from laying loser ass brick lol
you hit the nail on the head shuerholz knew talent the best i have ever seen!!!!i dont think we agree on this one though? i see the royals going up faster than the chiefs
We'll as the ole saying goes "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then".

The Twins found a way to win one (shut out) with their "Diamond" in the rough so to speak. Twins called up Scott Diamond from their Rochester minor league team and he put on a show. Now... will it will rub off on some of the other thugs or so called starters they have. :)
The Royals lost how many in a row... 10 or 12? Yet we split a series with the Yanks, and win one against Boston. I hope this "turn around" isn't temporary!
Young teams like that Royals can do almost anything. They can loose 10 in a row and then go crazy and win a bunch. But in the end I think they will be middle of the pack, due to the starting pitching being marginal.
I doubt that.

The Twins have become desperate. They sent a couple players down to minors and brought up a couple. They got shelled again last night, this time against the Blue Jays.

Gardy is getting desperate and at this point is just throwing things up against the wall to see what sticks. :eek:
I agree that the Twins have hit the desperate stage. We are currently fielding a bunch of guys that couldn't win consistently if they were playing AAA ball. Maybe even AA ball.

At some time the coaches and management have to be the ones that accept responsibility for fielding such an inept team. I'm starting to think it's time to dump the M & M boys and start over from scratch. This has to be the most pathetic Twins team in history. 100+ losses is a "shoe-in" and I'm thinking 120 losses is a real possibility.
Hey Zeb, I dunno if you watched the game last night, but how bout the infield fly ball that made it to the ground with about 4 players standing in a circle playing who's got it !!! :eek::eek:

Gardy made a comment like, "This is what you might see in high school" but not in the big leagues.

Absolutely pathetic are the Twins right now. They can't get out of their own way. There is absolutely ZERO confidence in each other.

I say we just start sending guys down and bringing more up from the minors and keep throwing them against the wall to see what sticks.

But Hey!! The Vikings got a new stadium. :cheers:
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We only have 4 guys hitting over .250 and one is Butera (3 for 9). 4 guys hitting .230-.250 and the rest are under .220. Real potent lineup there. Must have opposing pitchers licking their chops!

And speaking of pitchers. Without Scott Diamond in the mix we don't have a starter with an ERA under 5.00 and we have 2 starters with ERA's at 9.00 or above. How fricking pathetic is that. Doesn't really matter that the bullpen has done reasonably well because the game is over by the time they come in.

And why did the Twins get rid of Luke Hughes? He was the best hitter coming out of spring training. Gardy must of has a hard on for the guy so he's gone.

This team needs a leader. There is none, nor is there anyone on this team that is capable of filling that role. It should be "Big Bucks" Mauer but he's "Mr. Nice Guy". He sits in the dugout like he could care less. Just keep the checks coming!!! They need someone in the dugout to fire these guys up. Kick some butts and take names!

If my name was Pohlad I'd can Ryan and the entire coaching staff. Then trade Mauer for 3-4 good players. Morneau can go with Mauer. His baseball days are done. Get him off the payroll.

Let's see, did I miss anything? Anything else I can rant about regarding the Twins? God, it's frustrating.
Let's see, did I miss anything? Anything else I can rant about regarding the Twins? God, it's frustrating.

No... you about covered it all. I REALLY want to be a fan and Twins supporter, but year in and year out they continue to do nothing in the off season to improve this team. When they do spend money it's on the wrong players or wrong positions. :mad:

I'm beginning to feel the same. Wipe the slate clean and start all over.
Have come to the realization that the Twins, Royals, Rockies are just farm systems for the elite teams who spend the money to be competitve. Every time a good young player comes through the Farm system they are traded when their contract is due to expire and they are up or due a sizeable pay increase. We seem to keep one or two and the rest could play AA !!!!
Have come to the realization that the Twins, Royals, Rockies are just farm systems for the elite teams who spend the money to be competitve. Every time a good young player comes through the Farm system they are traded when their contract is due to expire and they are up or due a sizeable pay increase. We seem to keep one or two and the rest could play AA !!!!

The difference is when we make a mistake and give a player a big contract and it doesn't pay off, we have trouble recovering. When the Yankees make a mistake, they just go buy someone else. On the other hand, David Glass has turned his 100m investment in the Royals into about 400m. Not a bad investment for 12 yrs or so. According to most reports he turns a nice profit on the team every year. I think he could spend more but won't. But what could we expect he is a big wig at wal-mart.
The difference is when we make a mistake and give a player a big contract and it doesn't pay off, we have trouble recovering. When the Yankees make a mistake, they just go buy someone else. On the other hand, David Glass has turned his 100m investment in the Royals into about 400m. Not a bad investment for 12 yrs or so. According to most reports he turns a nice profit on the team every year. I think he could spend more but won't. But what could we expect he is a big wig at wal-mart.

Sadly , the Rockies have #1 and #4 worst contacts in MLB history according to ESPN. Mike Hampton and Denny Neagle. The Team was still paying Hampton years after he was gone and like you said, hard to recover. Another notable was Darrel Kile. We got out of Neagles deal after a Moral clause was broken when was caught with a very ugly Hooker. I believe their was still a settlement. Now they are gun shy on any big contracts especially for pitchers. Jimenez is a great example of bring up a great arm and then sending him down the road when contract time came up. All these teams keep talking about building for the future and then get rid of the foundation every time and make bone-head moves.
Could someone please explain to me what the Twins see in Trevor Plouffe?? :confused: They keep playing him and the guy is hitting .130 coming into today. Thus far today he is 0-2 and just hit into another double play with the bases loaded. He must lead the majors in that catagory! The guy can't hit and can't field and yet they keep him and send Luke Hughes down the road. Real smart Twinkies!
Oh my, had to eat a little crow today. Plouffe, whom I criticized in my previous post hit a homerun in the 11th inning to give the Twins the win.

And can you believe it. The Twinkies have won 4 in a row!!