

New member
I grew up upland hunting still do it love it to death, but it seems like with that and deer hunting theres no time for waterfowl. Of course I could try and fit it in, but once your a pheasant/quail hunter always it what you live for. So I don't want to take time from pheasant hunting for waterfowl. Even though my gundog is a lab I see him more excited pheasant hunting. Please give your input thanks.
I feel the same. I do get out and duck hunt a little, 2-3 times a season, but I will always skip for a day in the field.
I used to waterfowl all the time!! Even after work for evening hunts!!! The cold and the taste was wearing on me!! Hunt Big game and upland as well, but waterfowl took up the season!! Last year I did not shoot a web footed bird and really did not miss it like I thought I would!!! I still put my blind up, took some people, but without a gun!!! I enjoy the dog work and the exercise and warm toes. Let alone the tasty meat when upland hunting!! Probably got burned out a little!!!:cheers:
I'd take a okay day of upland hunting (wild birds) over a great day of waterfowl hunting hands down.

My dogs would too. They get excited over waterfowl, but crazy over upland birds. Particularly wild pheasants.;):cheers:

I still get out waterfowl hunting quit a bit too. I enjoy duck and goose dinners enough to brave the swamp/mud smells, getting stuck in the mud, wet dogs shaking the muddy water all over my guns and myself...well, you get the point. lol
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I'll take a good day of waterfowling over a good day of upland hunting anytime. I just love the muddy dogs, muddy boots, muddy trucks and those sunny, cold, December, mid moring mallard hunts! Nothing like the whistling of wings overhead while a flock of greenheads works your blocks. You can hear the suzies talking about themselves and the occasional drake. And the cupped, and committed wings and big orange feet down over your decoys. Look over at your retriever, who is shaking with excitement watching the birds every move, his eyes are so alert, ears perked up.

And on the slow days sharing a lunch with your retriever, talking with a good hunting buddy about past memorable hunts and dogs long gone.

Oh yeah, give me day in the duck blind and I am in heaven on earth.
I honestly dont miss waterfowl. I for sure burned my self out. When its good its a great time but being able to walk a field and enjoy the prairie and open grass lands is were i really enjoy being.