Tuna, the economy around the world, ocean habitat


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Well our "allies", the Japanese sold a Bluefin Tuna for $1.76 million yesterday. Yes that is not a misprint, The whale killers, rhino horn, ivory poachers who are slaves to sushi, are endangering the big tunas ability to survive. They come over here, fish in our waters, try to buy hook and line caught fish from charter fisherman. Of course copy our technology, ignore world court decisions, subvert our economy, and by the way tried to kill my relatives a generation back. Truman was right, and might have saved the Tuna, the rhino, elephants, and whales till now. Makes fillet mingon at $20.00 a pound seems cheap, including the cholesterol and it will not manifest it's self as colo-rectal cancer, the leading cause of death in Japan.