Tragedy in Kansas City


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Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher kills girl friend then himself in front of coach and GM.

What a tragedy.... The team has to be just floored. I can't believe I heard they still may play the game on Sunday??? :eek:
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Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher kills girl friend then himself in front of coach and GM.

What a tragedy.... The team has to be just floored. I can't believe I heard they still may play the game on Sunday??? :eek:

That kinda floored me this morning. They will play. Are you kidding? Even a crappy team like KC will cost the NFL millions if they didn't play.
Very sad deal. The man must have been suffering terribly from depression or mental illness of some kind. Prayers sent to all those involved
That kinda floored me this morning. They will play. Are you kidding? Even a crappy team like KC will cost the NFL millions if they didn't play.

No... are you kidding. I think under the circumstances and this happening the DAY BEFORE the game, the NFL would certainly understand if the Chiefs wanted to reschedule the game later in the week. This happened in plain sight of the coach and GM, what frame of mind do you think they're in right now.
No... are you kidding. I think under the circumstances and this happening the DAY BEFORE the game, the NFL would certainly understand if the Chiefs wanted to reschedule the game later in the week. This happened in plain sight of the coach and GM, what frame of mind do you think they're in right now.

The show must go on. They announced it yesterday evening. No serious talk of it being cancelled. Horrible tragedy to those of us that care. All the NFL/Chiefs care about is cash. This is the second murder/suicide at the sports complex this year. 2-3 months ago it was a parking attendant and her ex-husband.

Wish Romeo would of Stood up and said no!! At least for his Participation!!! Said he would do whatever he was told to do!!! Wrong answer!! Stand up for what you believe is right!! You are history after the season anyway!!!! I believe it is bigger then a Chiefs thing anyway!!! I can't imagine how they can come to play after watching what they saw!!! Sad turn of events in an already horrible season!!!! Prayers to everyone touched by this tragedy and especially the 3 month old baby who lost her Mom and Dad!! Very Sad!