This is controversial IMO, Mn DNR training dogs


Active member
To find Zebra Muscles. The DNR has evoked a $500 fine for transporting Zebra Muscles($150 for weeds) on/in your boat or trailer. Now, how they intend to use these dogs is a fine line on a slippery slope IMO. I'm sorry but I see these dogs being used like many other high tech law enforcement equipment that had a innocent introduction, only to be used to be another revenue builder. If they use these dogs to search your boat and trailer, then issue a $500 ticket. When they can be found inside the frame of the trailer, in the tail lights, under the floor of your boat in the bilge, behind your prop, Etc. These kind of scenes remind me of nazi Germany, when German Shepard's searched the population. I'm not sure this kind of thing is worth the risk for a few fish to eat.
It's a good idea if they do it just to help like the guy said. If they do it to issue tickets and harass people that are fishing or boating I think it sucks.

I also really don't think you can stop the invasive species and the money is just wasted.
It's a good idea if they do it just to help like the guy said. If they do it to issue tickets and harass people that are fishing or boating I think it sucks.

I also really don't think you can stop the invasive species and the money is just wasted.

I agree 100%
iowa now has a $500 fine if found on your boat. I doubt they can be stopped. clear lake has zebra mussels in it too. im sure all rivers down stream will have them from going over the spillway. a couple years ago I put a hot water faucet in my garage so I can hose boat down. I took my boat to Manitoba a couple years ago. when they found out it had been on a lake with zebra mussels they went over it with a FINE tooth comb. glad it was clean or I would have not been allowed in Canada. I wonder how dnr fish biologist keep their boats and waders so clean?