Spell check

I disabble all speall chucks.

I prefer to just hammer away at the keyboard and let yall figure it out.:thumbsup::D
eye ues it awll tha tyme :)
I heard Coot was starting a spell check service. Just e-mail your document to him and he will proofread and send back to you. :D
Type like a man. What you ask for directions too when you're lost:D Them angry ladies on the peta website don't even use word spell when they respond to me. Unless it don't know bad words:)
Type like a man. What you ask for directions too when you're lost:D Them angry ladies on the peta website don't even use word spell when they respond to me. Unless it don't know bad words:)

:confused: Peta stands for People Eating Tasty Animals. What's the problem coot.:D