South Dakota dumb flies... anybody?


Well-known member
I built a cabin in Chamberlain in 2000. Every time I come out, I have to spend an hour vacuuming up thousands of flies off the floor, dead.

I got here tonight, and its terrible, and the joint was immaculate when I left 3 weeks ago.

They are 1/4 inch thick on the window sills, and the floors around the windows are covered.

When I turn the heat up, more come out of the woodworks.(not sure exactly where they come from)..

They are dumb, dumb, dumb. You can just take a vacuum hose and suck the live ones off the cieling..

They are about 3/8 inch long, and narrower than your regular fly.. They have noticeable spots on their wings.

Anybody know what kind of flies these are, and how can I eliminate them?

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Boy do I know what your talking about. Even when we come out in the winter. Those things jump to life as soon as the heat is on. We even get some huge wasp's that join them. Not more then 5 or 6 but I have no yen to sleep with one of them buzzing the room. Shop vac is the only answer. You just get them cleaned up and 3-4 hours later you can do it again. GRrrrrr
Yep, those are what I'm taking about! You can clean them all up, turn the heat up, and have 800 more on an hour.. It seems like they have a relatively short lifespan, because within a day, theyre on the floor.

I built this cabin airtight, and energy efficient, but they have obviously found a entrance.

I hate when I get here, that I have to spend time cleaning up. Plus, its embarrasing when I bring guests, and we walk in. It looks like nobody has been here for 2 years, and its only been a cou-ple weeks..

More prominent in the fall/winter, not so much in the summer..

Getting closer to retirement,,, When I have time, Im declaring war...
It works kinda good to put a fairly strong blowing fan in an open widow blowing out. Trouble is, You have to let er blow 24-7 :cheers:
Reddog, I have curbed the fly issue by treating/spray the doors, sills and any potential openings from outside with insecticide like demon or sevin.

I spray around all door openings on exterior and also interior.

It's an annual thing ins SD.

That's why there is pheasant cuz there is lots of insects.
Those look like cluster flies. Probably not much you can do about them in the winter. In the spring check caulking and cracks in exterior. They will come in your home sometime in early fall/late summer looking for warmth. Treat exterior of the cabin several times as soon as you start seeing them on exterior. They will show up on sunny side as temperatures start to cool.
Face flies overwinter indoors, typically in the same place year after year. The temperature must be just right so that they can slow down their metabolism and live through the winter. When it gets warm in the house they become active and will not live through the winter. Malathion works well when sprayed on the interior and exterior walls. These sound sort of like the same thing, although they look different.
I have the same problem here in N WI. And my place is new, tight construction. It's hard to imagine where they could be getting in. Vacuum upon arrival, turn up the heat, go to bed to listen to a couple of them buzzing at the windows. We don't have them at home, so it drives us nuts with the weekend place.
I'm thinking that the entrance may be one recessed can above the stairway (hard to reach to seal back when we built) as the stairwell seems to always have alot of flies. There are only 3 opening in the cieling upstairs with connectivity to the attic.. two are fan/lights, and the recessed can.

I know for a fact, that any wire penetration that came thru any interior walls were foamed shut..

Hope to get it narrowed down soon,

its very frustrating..
I think they breed in the house! Don't know what they eat. I have been in older farm houses where they were worse, but I get a few in my 2005 built house right after the first bit of cold air.
My mom and dad have triple pane windows, that have those Asian beetles between the pane's of glass. Now tell me how they got in there.
My mom and dad have triple pane windows, that have those Asian beetles between the pane's of glass. Now tell me how they got in there.

Man I hate those goofy bastards. They were real bad here 2-3 years ago. Had to empty the ceiling fan lights once a week.