Solo Hunter looking for info on Chuckar and Hun hunting for 2021


I am a solo hunter who is looking for a little help/information to get started next fall (2021) hunting Chuckars and Huns. Will be traveling from Colorado with my dogs. Not looking for your hotspots but someone to point me in right direction with respect to public land access. Any help would be appreciated, I would be more than willing to take meet up for a hunt. Tom
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Anywhere in the Bighorn Basin has both Chukars and Huns. Lots of public land, but in a sea of sagebrush it's tough to know where to go. Soooo, look for water--especially this year. Look for borders where private (with its ag habitat) meets public with sage cover. South part of the Basin seems to have a bit higher numbers most years--but not enough to be something to worry about. Birds are where you find them. However, you will find them best in those area's I've described. Good luck, and let me know how you do.