Sobering Stat


Well-known member
Since December 14, the day of Sandy Hook killings, 942 people have been killed with a gun Nationwide. You can think what you want on how to fix it, but that makes me sick to my stomach.
I'd love to see the ratio of how many of them were committed in "gun free zones or cities" and how many took place in places guys can carry.
Ditto that. How many of them are in cities like Chicago, New York and DC? Gang banger on gang banger. Most of this is black on black crime in the inner cities where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry. The scum rule and the cops are impotent.
Ditto that. How many of them are in cities like Chicago, New York and DC? Gang banger on gang banger. Most of this is black on black crime in the inner cities where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry. The scum rule and the cops are impotent.

Yes you are correct. The press doesn't give a crap about the facts, just pushing a scam on the lawful people.

Take there guns and use kids to do it. Who did that?????????????????? Hitler:eek:
Firearm deaths compare to abortions per day

Approximately 125,000 abortions per day in the US. Compare to the deaths caused by firearms.
I feel we need to be concerned about both. I do not have an answer but more laws regulating firearms is not the answer.
This is the LOUNGE!!! No one is going overboard and if we do the Police will set us straight!!! Good to discuss life in a passionate way !!! We may not all agree all the time, but at least we can do it in a manner that is civil for the most part!! If it bothers you, don't click on it!!! I think by reading different views I may be able to understand how somebody else thinks and views the same subject, whether I agree or disagree with their view!
This is the LOUNGE!!! No one is going overboard and if we do the Police will set us straight!!! Good to discuss life in a passionate way !!! We may not all agree all the time, but at least we can do it in a manner that is civil for the most part!! If it bothers you, don't click on it!!! I think by reading different views I may be able to understand how somebody else thinks and views the same subject, whether I agree or disagree with their view!

Very much agree. I think that it is poor education that has gotten us to this point. I am by no means saying that anyone on here is poorly educated I am just saying that we could all benefit from looking at if from a different angle.
Sobering, yes but there are far too many tragic deaths in general. The "control" focus needs to be on violent people and alas, there is the rub.
Very much agree. I think that it is poor education that has gotten us to this point. I am by no means saying that anyone on here is poorly educated I am just saying that we could all benefit from looking at if from a different angle.

Good point. The reason I posted this was not to get into a pissing match about gun control, abortion, and certainly not Hitler:D. Basically I came across this and started reading the little snippet of the news story about how each one died. I read through a few dozen and this is what I found. Victims were between one and seventy-four years of age. Some were said to be drug and gang related. Some were murder suicide. Some were during the commision of another crime. Many, too many, were accidental. Several were law enforcement. To say this is simply because of drugs, or just " black on black crime" is too simple for me. Remember, these people have families and stories too. I have made too many mistakes in my life to be that judgemental.
I certainly appreciate those of you that can discuss things without getting pissed about a different point of view. I certainly found the president's news conference and work on gun control to be full of fluff and lacking substance like most all politicians from both parties. Using the kids and Sandy Hook was not the way to go, in my opinion the true problem occurs everyday. But unfortunately no civil conversations can be had on anything like guns. It is way to emotional for most people to do.

Ps it is up to 1013 as of this morning
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Your never going to stop killings. Of any kind. Gun related or not it's going to happen. What needs to happen besides coming down hard on guns and those that legally own them is punishment equal to the crime.

Judges need to be held responsible for letting possibly violent or mentally unstable walk out on bail only to commit the same crime or one worse within months or even days. When a man can get out on bail for agg. battery on a minor and be put on parole (this was a 20 yr old man who tried to run over a 14yr old girl) and less than 14 months later runs over an 18 yr old girl, hit her in the head with a tire iron, throws her in his trunk, rapes her, and then throws her in a creek where she drowns there is a problem. If this man would have been where he needed to be this young lady would be alive today.

I don't know about you and your job but when I mess up I have to take responsibility for my actions.

If we held judges responsible (immediately), had stiffer penalties for violating the law that would be a start!

Look up stats on the ban on high capacity mags, and other bans that dealt with military style weapons back in the 90's and see if that made a difference in crime committed with guns. Did the 5 day waiting period stop violent crimes with weapons?
We have become a primarily urban population, which has led to fewer people growing up with and using guns. About 65% of murders take place in 5 of our largest cities. If we let those 5 secede, our murder rate drops by 65%.

Violent crime has dropped by 50% in the last 20 years, but CNN has become much more diligent in presenting violence to us. We average about 2 mass killings per month, about a third of them being with guns. But these numbers reflect the decrease in the rate of violent crime. (mass killing meaning 4 or more victims)

England, with its ban on guns and rigid controls, has a violent crime rate that makes ours look really good. They have about 2000 crimes per 100,000 population. We have about 500. Apparently the English are adept with using the high capacity assault club, fist, knife, boot, or anything else handy.

Gun control may not be the answer, as it is only part of violence. Humans, being creative, will find a way. If you could remove ALL guns, you could eliminate gun violence. You would still have violence, but the old, weak, and outnumbered would now become a prey species, unable to defend themselves. And using the models of England and Australia, the violent crime rate would start increasing as soon as guns were banned.
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We have become a primarily urban population, which has led to fewer people growing up with and using guns. About 65% of murders take place in 5 of our largest cities. If we let those 5 secede, our murder rate drops by 65%.

Violent crime has dropped by 50% in the last 20 years, but CNN has become much more diligent in presenting violence to us. We average about 2 mass killings per month, about a third of them being with guns. But these numbers reflect the decrease in the rate of violent crime. (mass killing meaning 4 or more victims)

England, with its ban on guns and rigid controls, has a violent crime rate that makes ours look really good. They have about 2000 crimes per 100,000 population. We have about 500. Apparently the English are adept with using the high capacity assault club, fist, knife, boot, or anything else handy.

Gun control may not be the answer, as it is only part of violence. Humans, being creative, will find a way. If you could eliminate all guns you could eliminate all gun violence. But following the English and Australian models, other violent crime would increase.
The elderly, infirm, and outnumbered become a prey species in their own homes.
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All murders are homicides, but not all homicides are murders.....Wonder how many of that 942 were justifiable, ie: police shootings, defense of life and limb, etc. We don't often get straight facts from the main stream media.

Good discussion and good points. So many questions and posssible answers. My wife told me of an interview she saw on tv (didn't remember network/ program, etc). They were talking with young children about the school shooting and asked the children if taking away guns was the answer, childrens' response was no, that wouldn't fix crime. Asked if violent video games was the cause, childrens' answer was that games may affect some but those kids were probably influenced by things they souldn't be anyway. When asked what the children thought would help fix or stop things like this from happening the childrens' response was "we all just need to be better people". Too bad most adults can't think a bit more like children. Sometimes the answer seems really pretty simple, how we get there is another thing.