Snapping Turtle almost got me. LOL


New member
While Bass fishing I snagged into this small snapper. It almost got me and I wanted to lift it into the boat but my wife reminded me how much they smell. We remembered our brother in law showing his V-shaped 3" black and blue bruise on his back from a 12 pound snapper he caught turtle trapping. He had it slung over his back and it bit right through the gunny sack. This was just a little guy but it coulda put some hurt on me if he got a finger.
Minnesota has a Snapping turtle season. I don't think it opens until around late June if my memory serves me correct. Fried turtle is tasty but your garbage man would wonder what the hell you've been eating if he seen the bones..LOL
Snapping Turtle

Hah! I bet he would wonder. I have had turtle at wild game feeds and it's very good. My brother in law and another guy would catch 40,000 pounds a season back 20 years ago.
I had an Uncle that would take a weeks vacation during the turtle run. 1st week of June the turtles come ashore to lay eggs. He would shine the spotlight and a couple of us young guys would grab the snappers by the tail and fling them in the pickup. Once he had a load off to Chicago. Made some good money in those days. He did, we just had fun.
Snappers were eaten by a lot of people in those days, I don't know of anybody that eats them these days.
Yeah, Snappers are protected in MN now during the egg laying. Trouble was, they were almost all females.
Snapping Turtle

Still quite a few turtle trappers in Iowa and a fellow in Southeast IA that buys locally and sells to the Chicago market. The value is even greater now than back when my brother in law was trapping them.