Rate Your NFL Team Draft

If you are talking about the Cardinals, you can keep on hoping your criminals play harder on the field then off of it!!!!! LOL!!!! I did like their picks. New coach, but he has some good talent, minus the QB. I think your team got better.

We did good I think! After the Dumerville crap we needed to address the D-line again and we picked up OLB Shaun Phillips from the Chargers and got a proven RB in Ball. Nothing that made a big splash name wise. We could of chosen Lacy. Cheese head nation got Lacy and Franklin at RB . I think 2 of the best 3 in the draft. Vikes made a big splash with 3 first round picks and they didn't pick anyone stupid.:D Must of had someone else picking for them!!! They got better quick.
Vikings are in it to win it.:)

How would you like to be a packer fan?:eek:
Rogers and Mathews are getting all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Everyone else is on minimum wage. :cheers:
seattle got Percy harvin in the 1st round!!!

vikes got to choose 26th of that...tell me who got the better deal. this years draft group wasn't that impressive so who knows.. let's wait until Jan 2014!!!
NFC West is just going to beat the crap out of each other!
Pack I thought did ok. 7 round WR 6-2 215 and can run 4.3:eek: Thats almost as fast as me last night running from angry cow:D I see vikings are going old school drafting problem children:( The WR did wear 84 though:D Maybe AP can teach them to use HGH:D
Percy Harvin is unreal! Vikes will miss the 5 games a year HE was GREAT!
Seattle lucked out with that.
He will be GREAT if he doesn't get a headache, or if the coaches want to call the plays.
seattle got Percy harvin in the 1st round!!!

vikes got to choose 26th of that...tell me who got the better deal. this years draft group wasn't that impressive so who knows.. let's wait until Jan 2014!!!

U forgot, Jennings, a winner and not a whiner. We got him too. Plus a new young speedster to replace Harvin any way. Just like Moss, good riddance, Seattle is welcome to him. Any time you get more players it is worth it. I thought it was 3. 3 are better then one.
Purple Rain purple rain. Does anyone know how much HGH AP will need to take to rush for 2500 yds. Jennings is hurt more then healthy and Ponder will only make that worse. And how smart is he took 1.5 million less to play for the purple rain:(