R U smarter then a blackcloud?

Time for a survey:10sign:
If you know that the person you are calling is busy planting corn would you call him 7 times in 8 hours? I"m not very happy about this:mad: In fact I'm madder then Labman when he finds out someones been picking on the Vikings:eek:
What would you do if you knew the person was busy?
A. call once no answer don't call for the rest of the day.
B. think it's alright to call a million times a day.
C. Use your head and not call on dry days.
D. only call if it's really important like an emergancy.
Feel free to add some and you can choose more then one:) Oh and feel free to call the person doing this to me a dumb$###:D I have stopped taking calls from this dingleberry and will do this for 2 more weeks to teach him a lesson. You think he'll learn anything?
i just called the sob and he didnt answer his phone. i see he just posted EVIL comments about me. 7 calls in 8 hours. you can tell he aint married. i can get 8 calls in a half hour when the wife is mad at me.
if you want more calls i will give your cell # to telemarketers or better yet write it on the restroom wall at walmart:cheers:
B. think it's alright to call a million times a day.

If the person BC is calling is cootie. And I think the phone# is on the bathroom wall at WalMart (not saying which bathroom, tho . . . ):eek:
Not alot of help guys:mad: I can't help it I can't spell. It is funny though:thumbsup: Looks like I'll never ask the peanut gallery for help again:)
I was hoping BC would post your phone number . . . :D