Perfect wedding gift


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A friend of mine shot this a few years ago near Attwood, KS. He asked me if I had ever mounted a snake before and if I would be interested in ever doing one. I've mounted fish and birds before, but had never done a reptile. It was definitely a learning experience, but I think it turned out alright.

He asked me what he owed me when it was done, and I said, "consider it a wedding gift.":D I hope his new bride can forgive me... :laugh:

I saved a couple of the copperheads we shot in the yard this past summer, and would kind of like to mount one of those for myself. But my wife doesn't feel like that is something she wants in our house.:confused: Women...:confused:
Nice job, That looks awesome!!!

I shot one about that size. It was about 6" from my sons boot coiled and ready to strike. It was a female full of egg's. I have what's left of it's skin hanging on my wall.

By the way, they don't really rattle, it's more like the "Buzz" of a locus.

We are blessed to have you around:thumbsup: I think the snake looks great. I just can't see why your wife doesn't want a house full of 'em:rolleyes:
Wow, thanks guys.

I had it sitting on the basement chest freezer for a few days before painting the mouth insert. She said she had a mild panic attack when she had to move it to get a pack of ground beef. So I don't know if she will come around on that one...
Looks great. My dad had a big diamondback (had a full grown rabbit in it) mounted in a striking position that he liked to keep just inside the front door. Got to see some great reactions when people would come over!
Nice looking snake mount.:thumbsup: I don't know, if I'd want one in my house. Not a big fan of running into them, getting to old to do the 36" vertical back leaps.:D
Definitely captured SCARY.
Most were fairly small this year. One at the old granary and one at the turkey blind were the biggest, maybe 36 inches plus.
Here's a pic of the one that almost got my son.
I hate this not being able to delete or can't add a pic on a edit.

Here's the pic. We got out to look at this survey marker and all of a son I heard this buzzing. I looked down and seen the snake all coiled head back ready to strike. It was right next to my sons boot. I yelled snake and we both jumped back. I got up in the box of the ATV and he backed me up to her. I shot it with the 410(twice). It was such tall grass we couldn't find the head. I kept moving the snake with the gun barrel until i got the head out so I could see it. then I shot it's head off
That's a wild story OnPoint! I'm glad you heard the buzzing, got back, and your son didn't get tagged.:thumbsup:

Maynard, I still have that headless rattler you gave me a couple years ago. My plan for beating the February blues is to turn him into a new rifle sling, like I've been talking about for a couple years now. Finally have a little time to get that done!!!:D
That's a wild story OnPoint! I'm glad you heard the buzzing, got back, and your son didn't get tagged.:thumbsup:

Just a note, that snake took the bluing right off the gun. We cleaned it off right away and oiled it up when we got back home. It still stripped the bluing off. must be some real acidic stuff in them guts. I know blood will corrode steel real bad causing it to rust but this was unreal. Simply bare steel where the guts were on the gun barrel.

There was another one, a decent sized one that I was ready to plant my foot on. It was at a center pivot that I had some gaskets leaking and it flooded the area around the concrete pivot base. There was plenty of rodent holes going under the base. I had my size 15 five buckle over boots on and walked up the the panel. Just as my left foot was ready to come down I see the snake and the jet propulsion feature of my legs kicked in. I think this snake had been flooded out and was cold. It was in a perfect coil.

The engine is adjacent to the pivot and the location where my hired hand saved the day last year when he heard one by my feet.
Sister and brother in law live near Winfield and see small rattlers quite often. Their shorthair came back to the house one day all swelled up, his head was literally twice the size it should have been. 3 or 4 days in the vets office got him back to normal though and he is as good as new.