NWSG Conversion


New member
Here's a few pics of my first attempt at converting fescue over to NWSG. This field is planted in a 50-50 mix of Big Bluestem and Indian grass. This first pic is at the time of planting. The green growth in the field is ragweed that had been sprayed and was in the process of dying out.

These next pics are pretty self explanatory. This field had not been tilled, disced or worked at all. Just sprayed, burned, sprayed again then planted.





The growth in this last pic was all in the first year!! From what I've been told, thats not typical but it sure was welcome!!
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loving your habitat stories! btw - we just relocated back to iola, ks (hometown) after living in springfield for 10 yrs. loved it there and get to visit on occasion for business.

keep all these pics and info coming. it's good motivation!
btw - regarding ragweed...just curious, any reason why you sprayed it? outside of the allergy issue i believe quail love it.?
The reason I sprayed was that this was the second round and while the predominate plant in the field was the ragweed, there was some residual fescue and I didn't want anything competing with my NWSG the first year. I'm going to burn it off this spring and probably run a disc through it as its become too thick.