No more Smithfield hams or other products in our house.


Active member
YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD THERE ONPOINT:thumbsup: Should of killed the first monkey that thought of money:) I think it was a monkey that couldn't hunt:D
Don't forget that not everything Smithfield makes has the "Smithfield" label on it!

I let my wife know that this actually went through and she made a list of "black-balled" products that we will no longer buy. This is just another dagger in the heart of America. We should not support these folks!
Don't forget that not everything Smithfield makes has the "Smithfield" label on it!

I let my wife know that this actually went through and she made a list of "black-balled" products that we will no longer buy. This is just another dagger in the heart of America. We should not support these folks!

God bless you :thumbsup: A true american:thumbsup: I wish alot more people would think that way. Including the elected.
I just went out to my freezer and threw out a Smithfield Ham. Guess I'll go out and get a fall turkey for T-Day. Proud American.