New gun today

Yup went outside today and seen birds everywhere. I said to myself why the heck can't I shoot them anymore. I came to the conclusion it's my gun. So to town I went. So many to choose from. Then there it was A remington calling my name "captaincoot pick me it said". I'm not the type to be tricked so easy. But I did go over to look. It had it all shooting glasses ,ammo, targets, Small and large pest controll it said on the box. 755 fps my god it's like a stud missle. This thing should be put on the weapons of mass destruction list:eek: The 4x scope what really sold it for me:thumbsup: I took my new remington.177cal. (4.5MM) bolt action air rifle home:10sign: And headed for the sheds. The directions said no more then 10 pumps, but I figured since i'm a farmer 13 would be better. POW! Put a hole in the shed and the bird got away:mad: That does it I said I better pratice they did give me targets. Before you know it I was shooting like a pro. So back to the shed. This time 4 pumps and bird down. Browndog did a perfect retrieve:10sign: 29 sparrows total and I give this new gun two:thumbsup: