New Book I'm reading -- Folk's This Ain't Normal


New member
by Joel Salatin. My 3rd book by this author (Salad Bar Beef and You Can Farm).

Great books. I was turned on to him for his rotational grazing methods as I was wanting to increase my beef herd on the grounds I currently farm. Can't say I agree 100% with everything but the guy knows nature and how we've come to try and manage how nature works.

Anyone else read his books?
by Joel Salatin. My 3rd book by this author (Salad Bar Beef and You Can Farm).

Great books. I was turned on to him for his rotational grazing methods as I was wanting to increase my beef herd on the grounds I currently farm. Can't say I agree 100% with everything but the guy knows nature and how we've come to try and manage how nature works.

Anyone else read his books?

I recognized the name and I read You Can Farm. What is his latest book about?
It's a compilation of all the books he's done, with new twists and up to date statistics on how we have come to depend on industrialized food industry.

i wish i had the nads to start an operation like his.