Minnesota Twins


Well-known member
We haven't had a thread on here for a while about the Twinkies so I thought it was time to start one.

For a while I was starting to think that they might not be too bad this year. The pitching was decent and they were above .500. But now I'm seeing the same old Twinkies that we watched the past two years. Pitching is starting to suck and no one can get a hit with men on base.

Know the best way to prevent the Twins from scoring? Load the bases with Twins with no outs.

It appears this team has a lot of problems and the only fix I can see is for Gardy and his buddy Andy to take a hike. For one thing, there is no fire on this team. There is no leader. Yeah, the M & M boys are nice guys but someone needs to speak up and raise a little hell in the dugout. They are now in last place in the AL Central and I see nothing that gives me any hope that is going to change.

Watch, with all the above said they will rip off about 10 straight wins! NOT!
I'm afraid with this pieced together with baling wire and scotch tape pitching staff, it will be status quo and another 90+ loss season for the Twinkies again. The Twins are committed to their AAA team for prospects and always will be. Big time free agents will rarely if ever be considered.
Yuk, another horrible day for the Twinkies, 8th loss in a row. At least they got rid of Worley by sending him down to AAA and I'd send Pelfrey right along with him. Might as well bring up the young guns from Rochester and let them get some major league experience. Picking up guys like Worley and Pelfrey hasn't worked.

Now they head to Detroit for 4 games. I'll bet the Tigers a licking their chops. The losing streak should be 12 games after Sunday. :(
At least you knew you guys sucked. Look's like I got tricked again. Royals were 17-10, playing good ball. After a 7-0 loss at home to the angels today we are 21-25. That is 4 and 15 the last 19. Something needs to change. Everybody besides Gordon is faltering now. Decent pitching, bad offense, and a crappy nasty tempered manager is not a recipe for winning.
What are you complaining about Zeb?:) The Royals have again assumed their position in the basement:eek:. They did try some PR today by making George Brett the hitting coach. Might as well get rid of Yost now cause Brett shure ain't going to take any crap off of him.

Our neighbor's kid is a pitcher for them. He has been bounced between the minor team and the Twins. Slama, Anthony, a great kid, just married and looking to go to another team! For years Anthony and his parents practiced in their yard at the field all over he deserves a break and get a permanent spot on the roster....
And you thought the twins were bad.................. Royals loss tonite is the 11th in a row at home. A new franchise record:eek:. Let's hear it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee suck! My wife got me a ticket package a few weeks ago as a brthday gift. She is on me to pick out the couple games I want to go to. Wow what a tough choice.
And you thought the twins were bad.................. Royals loss tonite is the 11th in a row at home. A new franchise record:eek:. Let's hear it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee suck! My wife got me a ticket package a few weeks ago as a brthday gift. She is on me to pick out the couple games I want to go to. Wow what a tough choice.

I feel for the Royals. I remember back when Brett was playing and all the good teams they had.

Yes, the Twins have won 8 of the last 10 but look at who they played. Milwaukee, Seattle and not KC. When they play some real teams their record will probably head south again.
What are you complaining about Zeb?:) The Royals have again assumed their position in the basement:eek:. They did try some PR today by making George Brett the hitting coach. Might as well get rid of Yost now cause Brett shure ain't going to take any crap off of him.

Good thing I didn't bet my wife after all! This organization is such a disappointment:mad:
Twins are officially in last place in the AL Central, AGAIN. Even playing the weakest teams like Milwaukee, Seattle, Kansas City and the Nationals couldn't help them. Now they have to start playing some real teams again. Going to be a long season. :(
starting a 9 game home stand..lets see how this plays out. They always say it as.."The boys of September" lots can happen between now and then. The Twins are always strong late in the year. :thumbsup:
Okay, I was bashing the Twins on a Royals post so thought I better take it to the proper thread. Assuming the Pohlad's do fire Ryan, Gardy and the rest of the staff and bring in a new GM and staff, where do you start the rebuilding process? Starting pitching has sucked for several years and lately the relievers haven't been much better. Hitting is terrible and defense so-so. Middle infield isn't too bad but Plouffe isn't the answer at third and I have to assume Morneau will be gone. The outfield is a total disaster. So who on the current roster do you keep? What will the opening day line up look like next year? They have so many holes to fill it's mind boggling.

1st Base: Mauer (get him out from behind the plate, his bat is too valuable)
2nd base: Dozier
Short Stop: Florimon
3rd Base: ?? Is Sano ready to make the jump?
Left Field: ??
Center Field: ?? Hicks (maybe) or is Buxton ready?
Right Field: ??
Catcher: Herrmann (maybe)
Pitching: Besides Perkins I don't have a clue.
I'm not so sure it matters where you start. They're in such need in general, not sure it matters. Starting pitching would be as good as any.

I've thought about the current situation and then thought back to the 87 team that won it all. They over-achieved beyond anyone's guess. Tom Kelly, say what you will about the man was a baseball man through and through. He had a knack for developing players. The importance he placed on the fundamentals of of playing the game the way it should be played had a big part in that team coming together the way they did. That team believed in each other and the manager and it showed. I'm not so sure the current team has anything close to that. Now, you could argue they had Blyleven and Viola back in 87, but they were not expected to even win their division, let alone a pennant and World Series.

Chemistry will also go a long ways toward success.
Well boys, how them Twinkies?? :( They lose 6 straight to close out the season. In fact they were 2-12 in their last 14 games. I hope to hear next week that Ryan, Gardenhire, Anderson and the rest of that incompetent coaching staff has been released. I was excited when Brunansky came in as the hitting coach but man has he been a bomb. 16 more strikeouts today. It will be very interesting to see what the off season brings.
It's a sad, sad day in Twinkie Town. Ryan is announcing this afternoon that the Twins are signing Gardenhire to a 2 year contract. :mad: Two more years of 90+ loses, eh?