lucky kids.


New member
kids have all the luck. my oldest son and his college roommate came back to do a little bow hunting by the farm. no luck with deer in the morning. while driving to the farmhouse 5 roosters were standing on the road next to a public hunting area. they rush to the farm and borrow a couple of shotguns. they go back and my boys roommate got 2. surprised they were able to flush them without a dog. they drive to a different hunting area of mine 60 miles away. on the way there they see a rooster run across the road. they stop the car and walk the ditch. boys roommate shot this bird also. got his limit for the day. now the truly amasing part. the third rooster was shot with a bow!!!!!! they had no guns with them. he slowly walked ditch and spotted rooster in the grass and was able to get close enough for a shot. glad the boys had a memorable day:cheers: any other lucky kids stories.