Legal silliness, The games begin! Sandy Hook


Active member
Here why we need to resist new laws. Because we have to put with attorneys! Some attorney, of witch there are way to many, filed a suit against the school district in Sandy Hook, for 100,000,000.00 for a SURVIVOR, claiming unspecified damage, because the district did not forsee, and guard against this incidence. Of course I would be thankfull my child survived, and a little guilt ridden because of the luck. If he fails, which he should, he will have no other course than to be a small claims attorney, or a worthless politician. He needs to be disbarred, and maybe sent to prison in my veiw. Way to many of these vagabond legal anchor weights around. Wayne LaPierre looks better and better, but I'm sure he's an attorney too!
I think I read in the game laws. You can take non game varmint species such as Porcupine, Skunk, Opossum and attorney's anytime of year, no limit and with the use of artificial light. :laugh::beer:
Here they come, legal briefs in hand. Ambulance chasers looking for a big payday.

Some one please tell me why they continue to show pictures of the murderer as an innocent-looking 13 year old, instead of the 20 year old adult he was at the time of his rampage? It's not just the ambulance chasers who are out in force, but the anti-gun crowd is out for your guns. They'll get the AR-15 banned, a list of pistols with large capacity magazines and such. Next will be your favorite semi-auto scattergun you use pheasant hunting.
I've heard trap shooters say; "Let them have the AR's and handguns, and they will leave my shotgun alone". Now, that's is a real inteligent thought from a mental miget.....

Once they start banning/confiscating any particular firearm, the door is then open to get them all!