Landscape photos


Active member
I have seen some awesome photo's on this site that you all have taken of sunrises or sunsets or just beautiful country. Please share whatever you have! Here are some of mine.
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Some more!!!!!!!:thumbsup:
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Some dandy pics, Thanks for sharing
Great photos you guys take.

Couple of mine





Here are a few pictures of one of our local attractions here in the Panhandle, Palo Duro Canyon. It's just a big, long hole in the ground, but offers some nice hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. It is about 120 miles long and is claimed to be the second longest canyon in the country.
Cool pic's Rhodi!!!! Does that country hold any quail or chukars?:coolpics:
Cool pic's Rhodi!!!! Does that country hold any quail or chukars?:coolpics:

This particular part of the canyon is a state park, so no hunting here. I've seen Quail, Mule Deer, Turkey, Aoudad Sheep, and plenty of snakes, but no Chukar. I know some folks that live along the rim and they claim to have seen a Mountain Lion.
This particular part of the canyon is a state park, so no hunting here. I've seen Quail, Mule Deer, Turkey, Aoudad Sheep, and plenty of snakes, but no Chukar. I know some folks that live along the rim and they claim to have seen a Mountain Lion.

We were mountain biking there yrs ago & a cobra raised up in the middle of the trail. Ok, found out it was a pig snake or something - something that flattens its head just like a cobra - anyway, it sure had me scared.
Thanks BBJ,

you need to figure out how to load those photos to photo bucket or something so those too lazy to click on your links can just scroll and enjoy. Let me know if you need help on that.

I agree with UGUIDE:D
Holy cow Wayne, then dogs must really love considering all the places you take them!

Yup, the dogs have been on many trips and many states. The old Lab at 14 stays at home now. But now I have Regular Dog to go along with Cooper. :cheers: She at 7 months has already been on 2 major camping trips and for sure! she is a regular dog :cool: loves it.
This photo I had digitly put on canvas 18 by 24 and it looks like a oil painting.
This was taken from my elk camp one morning.
